People's Exhibit 207D-3




013003-2118:49       02-142591




Scott PETERSON: Hello.

Heidi FRITZ:  Hey, Scott, it’s Heidi.

Scott PETERSON: Hey, Heidi.

Heidi FRITZ:  How are you?

Scott PETERSON: I’m okay today.  How are you doing?

Heidi FRITZ:  Um…pretty good.  We heard…we’ve been trying to watch the news, but we heard that there was some woman in Oregon that thought she saw Laci?

Scott PETERSON: Yeah, I’ve been getting the details on it.  It’s kind of...well, it happened last week, but she just reported it.

Heidi FRITZ:  Oh, my God!

Scott PETERSON: And she thinks it was her and so the police are looking at the videotapes from the…from the store.

Heidi FRITZ:  Oh, my God, that’s great!  What part of Oregon was it?

Scott PETERSON: Um…Longview.

Heidi FRITZ:  What…do you know where that is?

Scott PETERSON: No, I don’t.

Heidi FRITZ:  I don’t either.

Scott PETERSON: But uh, hopefully…

Heidi FRITZ:  You don’t have your computer at home.  They still have your computer right?

Scott PETERSON: Yeah.

Heidi FRITZ:  Well, we don’t have a phone line yet or else I’d look online.


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Heidi FRITZ:  Um…but they didn’t give you…well, do you have a map at the house?

Scott PETERSON: No, I don’t.

Heidi FRITZ:  Okay.  Well Aaron might have an Atlas or something.  I’m just curious about where it is because one of my best friends lives in Portland.

Scott PETERSON: Oh, yeah.

Heidi FRITZ:  And I was just curious if it was anywhere near Portland because my girlfriend…she works like a couple days a week, but most of the time she’s just at home.

Scott PETERSON: Uh-hum.

Heidi FRITZ:  And so if you thought they weren’t following up, I’m sure that Jen would be willing to go and talk to the person.

Scott PETERSON: Oh, yeah.  Well, I called the Longview Police.

Heidi FRITZ:  Uh-huh.

Scott PETERSON: And I talked tot his guy and he’s uh…he said they were getting the tapes together to look at.

Heidi FRITZ:  Uh-huh.

Scott PETERSON: So, I’ll have to keep checking with him.  I sure hope it’s something.

Heidi FRITZ:  Okay.  All right.  Well um…I…I just wanted to call and see because we’ve…we’ve been trying to find out about it and we  didn’t find out about it until after I had left work.  And we didn’t  have a computer at home and we were just watching the news trying to like, you know, we just got home and we were just trying to see if anyone was covering it.  But have…have you reported it to any of the news stations?

Scott PETERSON: Well, that’s who called me with it first because it went over the AP wires.

Heidi FRITZ:  Oh, my God!

Scott PETERSON: And so, reporters just started calling me like crazy on this.

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Heidi FRITZ:  Well, why aren’t they mentioning it on the news?

Scott PETERSON: They started calling me about 4:00 o’clock or so…I don’t know.

Heidi FRITZ:  That’s so stupid.  I mean all they were talking about was like that they kept doing clips of like you talking to a reporter about how you cut your hand.  I’m like…

Scott PETERSON: Really?

Heidi FRITZ:  It’s so stupid.  I mean who cares if you cut your hand?

Scott PETERSON: Yeah.

Heidi FRITZ:  You know, it’s just like…I mean it’s so irrelevant I mean, you know, it just…

Scott PETERSON: Yeah.  It’s bizarre.

Heidi FRITZ:  I don’t know.

Scott PETERSON: I sure hope that that was her.  This guy said he’d call me back as soon as…as soon as he knew so…

Heidi FRITZ:  Okay.  Well, can you drive… can you drive up there as soon as you have something?

Scott PETERSON: Oh, definitely, yeah.  If he, you know, looks at it and it’s even close I’m gonna get up there.

Heidi FRITZ:  Okay.  When is gonna call you back?

Scott PETERSON: I don’t know.  He said he was getting the tapes so…

Heidi FRITZ:  Well, I hope…you should call the…Modesto…I mean the Modesto Police to make sure they don’t withhold any information from you.

Scott PETERSON: True.  Ha…Ha…

Heidi FRITZ:  You know, I mean because they might…I don’t know.

Scott PETERSON: Yeah, they’re not very cool here.

Heidi FRITZ:  Yeah. Well, I just wanted to check in because we heard that and, you know, we’re oh, my gosh that could be…

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Scott PETERSON: We’re hoping, definitely.

Heidi FRITZ:  Yeah.  It’s so weird because just after you said that the other night on, cause we saw your interview where you said, you know, you knew in your heart that she was still alive, I was like oh, my God!

Scott PETERSON: Yeah.

Heidi FRITZ:  And then this woman…you know, right after your say that this woman, you know, comes out.

Scott PETERSON: Uh-huh.

Heidi FRITZ:  It’s crazy.  Well, anyway.  All right.  Well, I just wanted to call and check in.

Scott PETERSON: We’re praying it’s her.

Heidi FRITZ:  Okay.

Scott PETERSON: Thank you.

Heidi FRITZ:  Well, here’s Aaron.

Scott PETERSON: Okay.

Aaron FRITZ:  Hey, buddy.

Scott PETERSON: Hey, Fritz.

Aaron FRITZ:  Are you at home?

Scott PETERSON: Yeah, yeah.  And I’ve got a little hope with this sighting thing.

Aaron FRITZ:  Well, I imagine.  How did you find out?

Scott PETERSON: Reporters started calling me because it went out on the AP wires at like 3:00 o’clock or so.

Aaron FRITZ:  Oh, wow, okay!  I was out of the office and I was like uh…actually about 2:30 until like 5:30 or so I was out of pocket and didn’t have the news on or anything so I didn’t hear it until this evening.

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Scott PETERSON: Yeah.  Well, I don’t know if they’ve had it on the news.  It just went out, you know, to all the media about it.

Aaron FRITZ:  Yeah.  No, my parents heard it uh…like about two hours ago.

Scott PETERSON: Oh, yeah.

Aaron FRITZ:  Down south?

Scott PETERSON: Yeah.

Aaron FRITZ:  But uh…anyway, how’re you feeling?

Scott PETERSON: Um…well, uh…I mean I’m hopeful on this so I’m feeling pretty good right now.  I just want to know.

Aaron FRITZ:  Sure.  Oh, no, I bet.  Well, obviously uh…we’re praying for you, buddy.

Scott PETERSON: Thanks, Aaron.

Aaron FRITZ:  Um…if anything, you know, you’re heading…you know, basically comes up and you uh…yare gonna head up or anything like that um…give me a call.

Scott PETERSON: Appreciate it, appreciate it.  Thank you.

Aaron FRITZ:  All right.

Scott PETERSON: All right.  I’ll be in touch with you.

Aaron FRITZ:  All right, buddy.

Scott PETERSON: And I’ll let you know when this uh…detective calls me back.

Aaron FRITZ:  Oh, was this uh…was that a local guy or somebody up there?

Scott PETERSON: No.  I talked to the Longview Police.

Aaron FRITZ:  Oh, up there?

Scott PETERSON: Yeah.

Aaron FRITZ:  Okay.  Cool!

Scott PETERSON: I’ll be in touch.  Thanks, Fritz.

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Aaron FRITZ:  Oh, hey, stop cutting your hands all right?

Scott PETERSON: Yeah, okay.  Ha…Ha…  I’ll do that.

Aaron FRITZ:  Talk to you later.

Scott PETERSON: Thanks, man.  Say by to Heidi.  See ya.

Aaron FRITZ:  You bet.  Bye-bye.

Scott PETERSON: Bye.

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