Minute Order: May 2, 2003

Warrant Stanislaus County/Superior Court Minute Order


Citing off/Agency: MPD

Case No. 1056770/1056770

Date:  05/02/2003          Status: C

People vs. Peterson, Scott Lee   


Judge:  Girolami, A.   

Dept.:  Dept. 8

Charges: F PC 187 2 SP/A          F PC 187 2 SP/A

D.A.:  Distaso/Harris          

Clerk (DC)     

Reporter: Dielo  

Bailiff:  Sweatman

Def. Atty:  M. Garagos        

Def:  present, in custody


Next Appearance Date:  5/5/03

Time:  8:30 A.M.   

Dept.:  8      

Def. ordered to appear/excused


Next Appearance:

Vacate:  5-6-03               

Flex. Proc.


TRIAL STATUS/ Motions/ Counsel/ ARRGN/Plea/ Probation Violation


COUNSEL: Def. Co. declares a conflict, PD is relieved, Mark Geragos substitutes in as Def. Co.
Ps A. re: prev. 170.6 filed


CUSTODY:  Def remanded to the custody of the Sheriff    

Bail curr set at: NO BAIL


DA                   JAIL                D.CO               DEF