Certifying the Record and Court’s Exhibits Admitted
Sentencing March 16, 2005
JUDGE: The matter is on today for sentencing. Before we get to that part and I invite comments from counsel, we have some bookkeeping matters we have to take care of. First of all is the matter of certifying the record, and the court's going to order pages 21765 to 21770 certified. And with respect to today's proceedings, I'm going to give, at least as far as today's proceedings go, I'm going to give counsel until Monday, March 28th, to request any corrections to the transcript of today's proceedings. If any corrections are requested, the reporter will have until Monday, April 4th, to effect the changes necessary and to forward the same to counsel, and the transcript will be deemed certified as of that date. If no corrections are requested, the transcript will be deemed certified as of March 28th, 2005. Okay. Also, since the last court date, the court's received many, many letters, pro and con, and what I'm going to do is I'm going to order those to be filed as I did last time, lodged with the court with the same order. And I'll ask the clerk to give them, start, I think it was 53. CLERK: 53 A, B and C. Three envelopes. (Court's Exhibits 53 A, B and C marked for identification and sealed as the court finds there is no less restrictive means to achieve protection of the overriding issues as described under Section 243.1 of the California Rules of Court.) JUDGE: Of course after, if this is the end of this, any other mail will be returned to sender. |