Amy Sharee Rocha


Witness for the People:  Guilt Phase

June 3 & 7, 2004


Direct Examination by Rick Distaso

DISTASO: Amy, let me ask you. Did you know a woman by the name of Laci Peterson?


DISTASO: How is it that you knew her?

ROCHA: She's my sister.

DISTASO: Can you tell the jury just, you say it's your sister. Can you tell the jury what yours and Laci's relationship was?

ROCHA: We had a good relationship.

DISTASO: And do you both share a father?


DISTASO: What's your father's name?

ROCHA: Dennis Rocha.

DISTASO: And do you both share a mother?


DISTASO: What's your mother's name?

ROCHA: My mother's name is Nancy Guilotti.

DISTASO: What is Laci's mother's name?

ROCHA: Sharon Rocha.

DISTASO: Wait one second.

ROCHA: Okay.

JUDGE: Next in order.

CLERK: Marked as People's 14 for Identification.

JUDGE: 14. I have got to drop down a few numbers here.

DISTASO: Amy, let me show you what's been mark as People's Number 14. Do you recognize that picture of Laci?


DISTASO: You can see she is obviously pregnant?


DISTASO: Let me just put it up on the screen for a second. Did, were you present when this particular picture was taken?


DISTASO: Did, the outfit she was wearing, did you see that outfit that Laci, had you seen that outfit before?


DISTASO: Okay. Let's kind of just start at the beginning. How old are you right now?

ROCHA: I'm 23.

DISTASO: And how much, Laci was your older sister, correct?


DISTASO: How much older than you was Laci?

ROCHA: She's six years older than me.

DISTASO: And when you both were growing up, did you live in the same homes?


DISTASO: Did you live with your father?

ROCHA: I lived with my mother. She lived with her mother.

DISTASO: You lived with Nancy?


DISTASO: And she lived with Sharon?


DISTASO: Did you see each other during the period the time when were you growing up?


DISTASO: And just for a little bit of background, when would you see each other?

ROCHA: We would visit our dad on the weekends.

DISTASO: That was Dennis?

ROCHA: Dennis.

DISTASO: All right. At some point in Laci's life, did she go away to college?


DISTASO: Do you know where she went?

ROCHA: Down to San Luis Obispo.

DISTASO: Did you know the name of it?

ROCHA: Cal Poly.

DISTASO: Do you know, just off top of your head, what years that she was down there?

ROCHA: I don't know.

DISTASO: And how long, do you know, did she live in San Luis Obispo?

ROCHA: I'm not sure of how many years.

DISTASO: While she was there, did she meet the defendant in this case, Scott Peterson?


DISTASO: Do you know when it was in her time there that she met the defendant?

ROCHA: Not exactly, no.

DISTASO: Just for the record, you recognize Mr. Peterson as he sits here in court?


DISTASO: At some point, did Laci return, well, actually let me stop you. When was the first time you met Scott Peterson?

ROCHA: I was in middle school. I think 7th or 8th grade. I can't remember exactly. They had come to one of my cheerleading practices. Laci was teaching us a cheer. They came together.

DISTASO: Is the, was Laci a cheerleader?


DISTASO: And they came together. And was this during the period that she was living down in San Luis Obispo?


DISTASO: And was this during the period that she had started dating the defendant?


DISTASO: Do you know how long she dated Scott Peterson before they were married?

ROCHA: Not exactly, no.

DISTASO: You do know they were eventually married?


DISTASO: Did you attend the wedding?


DISTASO: Where did that take place?

ROCHA: Down south, near San Luis Obispo.

DISTASO: Down there where they were living?


DISTASO: When they came to see your cheerleading practice, what city was this that they came to?

ROCHA: In Escalon.

DISTASO: Where is Escalon in relation to Modesto?

ROCHA: About twenty minutes north.

DISTASO: It's like the next town?

ROCHA: Next town up.

DISTASO: And is that where you were living at the time?


DISTASO: All right. After Mr. Peterson and Laci were married, where did they live, do you know?

ROCHA: In San Luis Obispo.

DISTASO: How long did they live down there before they returned or moved to Modesto?

ROCHA: I'm not exactly sure. Maybe three years.

DISTASO: Okay. And then are you aware that they moved back to Modesto?


DISTASO: And do you know, do you know exactly, as you sit here today, the year that was they moved back?

ROCHA: I think it was in 2000.

DISTASO: And did they move immediately into their house at 523 Covena when they moved back?


DISTASO: Do you know where they lift first?


DISTASO: Did you then ever go to their house at 523 Covena?


DISTASO: Judge, just give me one second. Are you familiar with kind of the floor plan of their house at 523 Covena?


DISTASO: Let me show you a diagram, marked as People's 12, your Honor. It's a diagram of the house.

JUDGE: Mr. Geragos, I'm going to assume you have seen all these exhibits.

GERAGOS: Well, I have seen the discovery. I just have not been shown the exhibits until they are here.

JUDGE: All right. He can show them to you.

GERAGOS: I believe this is,

JUDGE: Supposed to be a floor plan of the house.

GERAGOS: I think this is the one that was provided in discovery, yes.

DISTASO: Amy, I'm just going to tack this up. Before we move on to something else, let me ask you some questions about the house. Okay, can you do me a favor? Hold on to this while I put the tacks in.

JUDGE: Miss Rocha, maybe, there is a pointer back in the tray. See it?

DISTASO: I hate to keep running away. They have been yelling at me for not staying with the microphone, judge.

JUDGE: They can't hear you in,

DISTASO: Doing the best I can.

DISTASO: Do you recognize, that's People's 12. Do you recognize that floor plan there?


DISTASO: What is that a floor plan of?

ROCHA: Laci and Scott's house.

DISTASO: Okay. And is that the house when you say, Laci and Scott's house. Is that the house at 523 Covena?


DISTASO: If you could, we have heard a little bit of testimony yesterday about the house. Can you show me just, it's labeled there. Are those labels correct?


DISTASO: Where it says Master Bedroom on People's 12, that's where the master bedroom is, right?


DISTASO: All right. And the same thing with second bedroom, or spare bedroom, and the bathroom, and the nursery, and the dining room. That's right,

JUDGE: When you point, the jury is straining to see.

DISTASO: Let me just stop.

DISTASO: Point out the master bedroom. You can stand, you can stand and show where the second bedroom or spare bedroom is. And then where is the bathroom? Now, in the house, let's talk about that for a second. There is kind of one main bathroom, is that right?


DISTASO: Is that correct?


DISTASO: Then there is a smaller separate bathroom?

ROCHA: Yes, down here.

DISTASO: All right. Let me have you label that one, just so we're clear. Here is a pen just to write on there, "Bathroom Number Two". Okay. And that says living room there. Can you point that out?

ROCHA: Un-hun.

DISTASO: Are you familiar with the living room as being like a converted garage?


DISTASO: Did their house have an actual garage where you drive the cars in?

ROCHA: No, it was just a parking space.

DISTASO: There was parking spaces there? You see the little cars there parked there?


DISTASO: Is that where Laci and Mr. Peterson would park their cars?


DISTASO: And then there was a nursery set up, is that right?


DISTASO: And then the courtyard area. Do you see that?

ROCHA: Un-hun, yes.

DISTASO: Can you point out, actually, can you label where the fence would be? That faces the street?

ROCHA: The first gate.

DISTASO: Not the gate, the actual fence. There is like a little line. Can you just write "Fence" there?

ROCHA: Sure.

DISTASO: Now, the house had a number of different doors that were back behind all those fences, correct?


DISTASO: Okay. Where would be like the main front door?

ROCHA: Right here.

DISTASO: Can you just write "Front Door" on there?

ROCHA: Sure.

DISTASO: And then there was another small door off of where the clothes washing and washer and dryer were, is that right?


DISTASO: Can you just write "A Door Near Washer?" And then can you just write a washer where the washer and dryer were. And was there another door, or there is two more doors, when you would come into the house, how would you go into the house?

ROCHA: Through the gate into the front door.

DISTASO: Through the main front door. Were you ever at the house when Laci went in? Did you ever go into the house with Laci?

ROCHA: She was usually there when I went in.

DISTASO: Was there a, can you show right like the gates, where there any gates leading back into those, behind those fences?

ROCHA: Yes. Well, here is the gate.

DISTASO: Is that like the, does that gate face the street?


DISTASO: Can you just put gate number one? And is there another gate over where you park the cars?


DISTASO: Just put gate number two. Just a couple more labels. Is there some French doors that are off the kitchen?

ROCHA: They are off this little room this is where the kitchen and the French doors are.

DISTASO: That room there kind of like a little sun room, or foyer, or something?

ROCHA: Kind of like a sitting area.

DISTASO: Okay. Can you write, just write "French Doors" in there. And finally is this another door that leads by gate number two, that leads into where the living room or converted garage is?


DISTASO: Just put, just put "Door".

JUDGE: Well, if you are going to be referring to those doors in the future, maybe you ought to have it marked other than,

DISTASO: I probably should. I called the other one "French Door", "Front Door". Why don't you call that,

JUDGE: Door number two.

DISTASO: That's fine.

JUDGE: Just put a little 2 by there.

ROCHA: Okay.

DISTASO: Okay, thanks, Amy. You can go ahead and have a seat.

DISTASO: Now, can you tell me, you said, kind of asked you a little bit at the beginning, you said you had an good relationship with your sister?


DISTASO: And she was six years older than you, right?


DISTASO: Did you, as you were growing up, did you spend a lot of time with her, you know, as you were a young child and she was a little older?

ROCHA: Yes. At our dad's together.

DISTASO: After she went away to college, you were I guess, what, she would be about 18 or 19, you were 12 or 13, I guess?


DISTASO: Okay. Then when she returned after four years, I think, or so, you were in your late teens or early adulthood?


DISTASO: When she returned from college, did you and your sister become closer?


DISTASO: And how much do you think you spoke to Laci there by phone, or in person, during, just during the typical week?

ROCHA: Depended. But we talked often.

DISTASO: Okay. And what is your profession?

ROCHA: I'm a hair stylist.

DISTASO: Would you cut and style Laci's hair?


DISTASO: Was that a regular activity? I mean whatever her schedule was, would you be the one who handled her hair?


DISTASO: What about the defendant in this case, Scott Peterson?


DISTASO: Did you cut his hair also?


DISTASO: How often did you cut his hair?

ROCHA: Probably about once a month.

DISTASO: Okay. Once a month. And what was Laci's normal schedule?

ROCHA: Probably around five to six weeks.

DISTASO: And where is it that you would cut the defendant's hair, or Laci's?

ROCHA: At the salon.

DISTASO: That's the Salon Salon?


DISTASO: And you work there now, is that right?


DISTASO: How long have you worked there, total?

ROCHA: About three and a half years.

DISTASO: And you were working there back in December, you were working, I'm sorry. You were working at the Salon Salon on December 23rd, 2002?


DISTASO: Before we get to what happened on that day, let me ask you a couple mother questions. Did, were you aware of when Laci became pregnant?


DISTASO: At some point did you see that she was pregnant?


DISTASO: Did you see, did you see Laci and talk to her as the pregnancy progressed?


DISTASO: Did how did Laci seem, what was her demeanor about the pregnancy?

ROCHA: She was happy.

DISTASO: What kind of person was Laci? Can you tell me a little bit about her and Scott Peterson's lifestyle?

JUDGE: That's pretty general, the question.

DISTASO: That is.

DISTASO: I mean you saw their home, of course, at 523 Covena?


DISTASO: And what types of, I mean, items were in there? I mean, let me stop you. Let me be real specific. What I'm going for is, was there kind, were they kind of living a typical middle class kind of lifestyle?

GERAGOS: Objection. Vague. I don't know how anybody could,

JUDGE: That's argumentative.


DISTASO: What types of, well, let's just talk about, what kind of car did Laci have?

ROCHA: A Land Rover.

DISTASO: And do you know what kind of car Scott Peterson had?

ROCHA: A truck.

DISTASO: A truck at the time? Do you remember what color it was?

ROCHA: A tan, brown, light brown color.

DISTASO: What types of things did they have in their home? Were the items nice, or good quality?


DISTASO: And was the home kept up nice?


DISTASO: And did you ever notice it to be in disrepair, or kind of falling apart?


DISTASO: Do you know how long they were married before Laci became pregnant?

ROCHA: I think about five years.

DISTASO: Okay. And after Laci became pregnant, you became aware of that?


DISTASO: And you saw her as the pregnancy was going on?


DISTASO: And did she seem happy about the baby?


DISTASO: Did what, all right, let me ask you this. Did Laci ever complain to you about any problems she was having during her pregnancy? Physical problems is what I'm talking about.

ROCHA: She just had mentioned that, that she was tired. And there was one incident when she was walking that she got sick.

DISTASO: She told you about an incident when she was walking?


DISTASO: And can you tell us, what did she say about, when she said she got sick, how did she explain that to you? Or did she?

ROCHA: She just said she felt dizzy and kind of nauseous.

DISTASO: Do you know when it was that she talked to you about that?

ROCHA: No, I don't know the date.

DISTASO: Now, let's go to December 23rd. What time, you were working that day?


DISTASO: What time did you start working that day?

ROCHA: I think 6:30.

DISTASO: And 6:30 in the morning?


DISTASO: People really come get their hair cut at 6:30 in the morning?

ROCHA: Yeah.

DISTASO: Okay. And then, and did you work a full day, what would a full day be for you if you started at 6:30?

ROCHA: I think I worked until about 4:00 that day.

DISTASO: During that time on the 23rd, you were working, you said. And were you at your salon, Salon Salon?


DISTASO: What, did something happen, or did you do something, or make some arrangements to buy something?


DISTASO: Can tell the court about that?

ROCHA: I had made arrangements to go pick up a gift basket for our grandfather at a fruit stand in Modesto at Vella Farms.

DISTASO: And since this jury has no idea about anything about Modesto or Vella Farms, your salon is located where in Modesto?

ROCHA: It's pretty central.

DISTASO: Kind of like, kind of the middle of the town?


DISTASO: And where is this fruit stand you are talking about, Vella Farms, located in relation to your salon?

ROCHA: Like northwest of the salon, out in the country.

DISTASO: So it's,

ROCHA: Quite a distance.

JUDGE: Let her finish her answer.

DISTASO: I'm sorry, just off a country road somewhere?


DISTASO: And as fruit stands go, how would you describe it?

ROCHA: It was very nice, like enclosed. Not just a stand on the side of the road. Kind of like a store.

DISTASO: Like a store. And then they also have fresh fruits and things they bring in?


DISTASO: And why is it that you contacted this store Vella Farms store?

ROCHA: To pick up a basket that we were making up for our grandfather for Christmas.

DISTASO: On the 23rd, correct?

ROCHA: 23rd.

DISTASO: Did you say you went to go pick it up?

ROCHA: I went to go purchase it.

DISTASO: Right. And tell us what you did.

ROCHA: I got off work that day and I drove out there and picked out some items for the basket.

DISTASO: Okay, hold on, let me,

JUDGE: This was after work?


REPORTER: Spell the farm.

ROCHA: V-e-l-l-a.

JUDGE: Vella.

DISTASO: Let me show you People's Number 13.

JUDGE: What that's purport to be?

DISTASO: I will tell you, your Honor. It's a receipt from Vella Farms.

JUDGE: Okay.

DISTASO: On December 23rd.

JUDGE: Okay.

GERAGOS: I don't think it's the 25th.


GERAGOS: I think it's 23rd, is it?

DISTASO: Hold on, just, I'll clear it. It's 12-23.

DISTASO: Okay, Amy, do you recognize what that document is?


DISTASO: What is that?

ROCHA: It's a receipt from Vella Farms.

DISTASO: Is that the receipt that you received after you purchased the items for the gift basket?


DISTASO: And what time is there, on the receipt?

ROCHA: 5:25 p.m.

DISTASO: When you left work at 4:00 o'clock, had you seen Laci, your sister, or Scott Peterson at all that day?


DISTASO: And then when you went out to Vella Farms, did Laci go with you?


DISTASO: Did you talk to her at all about this purchase during that 4:00 o'clock to 5:55 timeframe?

ROCHA: Yes. I called her from Vella Farms to get some ideas of what we should buy.

DISTASO: Okay. So you talked to her about it?


DISTASO: And then did you already have arrangements with her to meet her at the salon?


DISTASO: When did you set that up?

ROCHA: Earlier that day they, we made arrangements for Scott's hair appointment.

DISTASO: And that's, and when you say Scott, Scott Peterson?


DISTASO: You made arrangements with Laci to cut his hair?


DISTASO: Did you go back then from Vella Farms back to your shown?


DISTASO: Do you know what time it was that you got back to the salon?

ROCHA: Around 5:45.

DISTASO: And when you got back there, was Laci at the salon?


DISTASO: And what about Scott Peterson?

ROCHA: Yes, they were both there.

DISTASO: And where in the salon were they?

ROCHA: They were sitting on the couches in the waiting area.

DISTASO: Was the salon still open at this time?


DISTASO: Not just family, but other people could still come in?


DISTASO: Do you remember who was present in the salon that day, just off the top of your head?

ROCHA: Yes, I do remember a few.

DISTASO: Okay. Go ahead.

ROCHA: Chris Johnson, Kim Fite I believe was there when I left. These are people when I was leaving I remember.

DISTASO: Hold on, let me stop you. These are people that you said when you left at 4:00 o'clock,

ROCHA: No. When I left after cutting Scott's hair.

DISTASO: Okay. These are people that were still at the salon?


DISTASO: Okay. Go ahead, who you remember being there.

JUDGE: You said Johnson. Who else?

ROCHA: He was on his way out, but he was there. There were quite a few people when we first got there. As the night went on the dwindled down. So as I left there, I remember Kim Fite and Charlene Franceschetti, then myself. That was all I remember when I left.

DISTASO: Okay. Charlene, can you say that last name?

ROCHA: Franceschetti.

DISTASO: Do you remember what time it was that you left the salon?

ROCHA: Between 6:45,

JUDGE: After cutting the hair, or before?

DISTASO: After cutting the hair.

ROCHA: Between 6:45 and 7:00 p.m.

DISTASO: So it took you about an hour, hour and fifteen or so to get back to the salon, cut Scott Peterson's hair, and then they left, and then you left?


DISTASO: Let's talk about what happened when you were cutting Mr. Peterson's hair. You said that you cut his hair on a fairly regular basis?


DISTASO: Had Scott Peterson ever asked you at any time that you cut his hair to dye his hair a different color?


DISTASO: How many times prior to December 23rd had you cut Scott Peterson's hair?

ROCHA: I don't know an exact number.

DISTASO: I mean, can you,

ROCHA: Quite a few.

DISTASO: Can you give us an estimate? Hold on. Let me reask the question again. Did you start cutting the defendant's hair basically as soon as he and Laci came back to Modesto?


DISTASO: And you cut his hair, you told us, about every month or so?

ROCHA: Yes. But I wasn't the one who cut his hair throughout the time that they were here.

DISTASO: Is it fair to say you cut it on a regular basis?


DISTASO: So during that timeframe, from 2000 or so to 2002, had you ever, had the defendant ever asked you to dye his hair a different color?


DISTASO: What about to dye his eyebrows any different color?


DISTASO: Had you ever known him to wear a goatee?

ROCHA: No. Well, yeah, I'd seen a goatee, but not very often, on him.

DISTASO: Okay. So occasionally?

ROCHA: Occasionally.

DISTASO: And had he asked you to dye his goatee a different color?


DISTASO: All right. Let me show you just some pictures of, where is that binder? This is People's 3. And it's a binder of pictures of Salon Salon. Just hold on to that. Now, this picture is, we have, first we have heard some testimony looking out towards the parking lot of Salon Salon, is that right?


DISTASO: Okay. What, and what part of the store is this?

ROCHA: The salon.

DISTASO: Is it the salon part?


DISTASO: The store has two parts, is that right?


DISTASO: And what's the other part of the store?

ROCHA: A boutique.

DISTASO: What's sold in the boutique?

ROCHA: Clothing, jewelry, shoes, accessories.

DISTASO: Okay. Here is a picture. This is a 3-H. Is that in the binder?


DISTASO: Okay. 3-H. You can see the sign that says "Boutique"?


DISTASO: Is this the store part?


DISTASO: And what kind of things do they sell there? Just give us an idea.

ROCHA: Clothes and shoes.

DISTASO: Where does this door of the boutique, where does that go out to? How do you get into the boutique from those doors that we're looking at?

ROCHA: There is a doorway through like a, they have their own kind of entry doorway.

DISTASO: And on the other side of that, what's on the other side, another parking lot, or,

ROCHA: A parking lot.

DISTASO: So there is a parking lot on kind of each side of this building?


DISTASO: There is a parking lot there with the boutique?


DISTASO: There is a parking lot there with the salon?


DISTASO: What if we talk about the front door or the back door of this location, what are we talking about?

ROCHA: I consider the front door to be the front of the shown. The back door, the back of the boutique. But they are, both can be considered front doors.

DISTASO: They both go out to parking lots?

ROCHA: Right.

DISTASO: Do you know what actually, let me just strike that. Where were you on the night of the 23rd? Where were you cutting Scott's hair?

ROCHA: Okay. You go to 3-K.

DISTASO: Okay. Here is 3-K.

ROCHA: If you are looking straight ahead to that first set of stations.

DISTASO: Right here?

ROCHA: Yes. We were sitting, Scott was sitting on the left, not that chair, but the next chair.

DISTASO: Right here? Hold on. For the record, the defendant was sitting in the chair which, on 3-K, looks like there is some purple or red, someone wearing a purple or red outfit?


DISTASO: And so if Scott Peterson was there,


DISTASO: Where were you?

ROCHA: I was standing like right,

DISTASO: You were like where the woman in the white pants is?


DISTASO: Were you cutting his hair?


DISTASO: Where was Laci?

ROCHA: Sitting next to us on the right, in that chair.

DISTASO: In the stylist chair?


DISTASO: Okay. So just on this picture 3-K, where the person in the plastic covering is?


DISTASO: And you said it took you about an hour or so to cut his hair?


DISTASO: And where was Laci during the time that you were cutting his hair?

ROCHA: From what I remember, she was sitting next to us for most of the time.

DISTASO: Do you ever remember her getting up and moving somewhere else?

ROCHA: I do remember her getting up to use the telephone.

DISTASO: Were is the telephone located?

ROCHA: It's to the left of this picture. Actually if you go to 3-H, see that phone right there to the left?

DISTASO: Right here.

ROCHA: You can see the cord. Yeah, that phone.

DISTASO: On 3-H, the telephone on the far left side?


DISTASO: Okay. You remember her getting up and using the phone, and,


DISTASO: Where do you remember here going back to?

ROCHA: I think just to the station next to us.

DISTASO: Back to the same seat?

ROCHA: Same seat.

DISTASO: While she was there, let me go back to that picture. Go back to that one in the binder. Hard to click through these. Apologize for that. There it is. What's the number again?


DISTASO: So 3-K, Laci went and used the phone, and then back around the station, correct?


DISTASO: Well, wait. How long, so when she was going to use the phone, would she go to right or to the left?

ROCHA: She would go to the left.

JUDGE: To the left around behind the guy in the white shirt? Is that Mr. Johnson?


JUDGE: So she would go around by Mr. Johnson?

GERAGOS: No, judge. I think Mr. Johnson is on the other side.

JUDGE: Right. Okay.

ROCHA: She could go either way.

JUDGE: She could go around that display, or just straight to the left?


JUDGE: Okay.

DISTASO: Do you remember which way she,

ROCHA: I don't remember what direction she went.

DISTASO: To get to the phone, if you look at my, you move around the island here?


DISTASO: Which is in the middle of the photograph around the island, or she could go to the left?


DISTASO: The phone is off to the left behind us?


DISTASO: Behind this?


DISTASO: Did she tell you anything about how she was feeling that night, anything about her physical condition?

ROCHA: She said she was tired.

DISTASO: Did, was she talkative? Was she talking to you a lot?

ROCHA: On and off, yes.

DISTASO: Okay. I think Ron Grantski's nickname for Laci was Jabberjaws, because she was very talkative person, is that how you remember her?


DISTASO: And how was she that particular night? Was she like her normal, pretty talkative self? She told you she was tired. Did she say anything else? Or can you give us any other description?

ROCHA: She just seemed tired. It was the end of the day.

DISTASO: And after she got up to use the phone, you remember her coming back and sitting back down?


DISTASO: Now, do you remember what clothing description, do you remember what clothes she was wearing that day?


DISTASO: Can you tell me, just start from the top, start from the top of Laci, and tell me what you remember her wearing.

ROCHA: She had a black blouse on with either cream polka dots, or cream little flowers.

DISTASO: Hold on. You say cream polka dots or cream flowers?

ROCHA: Yes. She had cream-colored pants on.


ROCHA: Black shoes.

DISTASO: Do you know what kind of shoes they were?

ROCHA: Yes. They were like a, you slipped into them. They had a backing, and a little strap over the top.

DISTASO: Were they like a full shoe?

ROCHA: A full shoe.

DISTASO: And you said they had a strap across the top?


DISTASO: And a buckle?


DISTASO: Go ahead.

ROCHA: Then she had a black jacket and a cream scarf.

GERAGOS: I'm sorry?

ROCHA: A cream scarf.

JUDGE: These shoes, do you know what Mary Janes are?


JUDGE: They were Mary Janes?


JUDGE: Flat?

ROCHA: Flat.

JUDGE: They were Mary Janes.

DISTASO: Let me ask you about her pants. You stayed they were cream colored pants?


DISTASO: As you sit here today, is there any doubt in your mind as to what color those pants were?

ROCHA: No doubt.

DISTASO: Do you know how tall Laci was?

ROCHA: She was about my height.

DISTASO: About your height? How tall are you?

ROCHA: Five-one.

DISTASO: Hate to put you on the spot like that. Can you do me a favor, and can you just step just step away from the witness box for a second?

ROCHA: Sure.

DISTASO: Just come down here on the flat ground so the jury can see how tall Laci was. Looks like you have some pumps on. Can you slip those off real quick?

ROCHA: Sure.

DISTASO: So she was about as tall as you were, is that right?


DISTASO: Okay. She is obviously heavier. She was visibly pregnant?


DISTASO: You can go back and have a seat again. Thank you. Now, in regards to the pants she was wearing, what length were they?

ROCHA: Yes, they were like a capri-length.

DISTASO: Okay. When you say capri-length, what does that mean?

ROCHA: Well, they went below the knee. But on ourselves we're shorter. It's more like an ankle pant.

DISTASO: It's like a, it's a capri-length. I'm wearing suit pants, obviously go all the way to my shoes.


DISTASO: They are not like this?


DISTASO: So you said they go down below your knee, though?

ROCHA: Below the knee.

DISTASO: And you said on you and Laci, let me stop. Have you seen Laci wear these capri pants before?


DISTASO: Or a type of capri?

ROCHA: A type of capri pant, yes.

DISTASO: And you said that on you and her they go down a little longer?


DISTASO: And where do most capri pants go down on you or Laci?

ROCHA: More like to our ankles.

DISTASO: Is that because you are both five-one?


DISTASO: Are those capri pants you are wearing today?


DISTASO: Can you stand up again? I'm sorry, hate to keep displaying you.

ROCHA: That's okay.

DISTASO: Can you actually, can you just come, walk out here so maybe all the jurors can see you? Have you walk down here. Can you show me, just show the jury basically where the pants come down to on you.

ROCHA: I mean they are no,

DISTASO: Slightly above your ankle?


DISTASO: Is that about where the pants also fell on Laci?


DISTASO: The ones that you saw on the 23rd?


DISTASO: Okay. You, I don't know if the jurors down here saw. Can you just walk by them real quick?

ROCHA: Sure.

DISTASO: And I promise I won't put you on display again.

ROCHA: Okay.

DISTASO: Okay. Go ahead, thank you. Now, do you remember what the pants were made of? You said they were cream colored?

ROCHA: Cream colored, like they were fitted. So,


ROCHA: Not fitted all the way down, but they fit tight around her stomach.

DISTASO: Go ahead.

ROCHA: They are kind of like a cotton material.

DISTASO: All right.

ROCHA: Stretchy.

DISTASO: I'm sorry, what?

ROCHA: Like a stretchy.

DISTASO: Some kind of stretchy cotton material?


DISTASO: The jacket she was wearing, can you describe that for us?

ROCHA: It was black, and it probably fell, not like, it was past her waist, so went a little longer.

DISTASO: So it was, I'm sorry, go ahead.

ROCHA: Covered like the top of her pants.

DISTASO: The top of her pants were covered by her jacket?


DISTASO: Do you remember if her blouse covered her pants?

ROCHA: I think the jacket fell over the blouse and pant.

DISTASO: And could you see, you could see the blouse, what, out the top of the jacket, or when the jacket was open, I guess?

ROCHA: Yes. Just through the open,

DISTASO: You, just for the record, you kind of showed like an open jacket, like the front of your chest. Is that about right?


DISTASO: You could see Laci's shirt?


DISTASO: And you also described a cream colored scarf?


DISTASO: Can you describe that in a little more detail?

ROCHA: I was very soft. I liked it a lot. I was touching it, and was pretty soft material.

DISTASO: Okay. Did you have any contact with Laci, physical contact with her there in the salon?

ROCHA: I gave her a hug goodbye.

DISTASO: Okay. When she came in and sat down, did you style her hair at all, or pin it up, or do anything like that?

ROCHA: I, actually I had cut her hair, I don't know

JUDGE: This be good time to take the recess?

DISTASO: That's fine, judge.

JUDGE: All right. We'll take the recess. Ladies and gentlemen, we will take a recess for fifteen minutes for the court reporters to change. Then we'll pick up. 


DISTASO: Amy, I forgot to ask you, when you, when you came in you said that the defendant and Laci were sitting on the couches?,


DISTASO: waiting for you. Is that these couches right here that we're looking at?

ROCHA: No, those are new.

DISTASO: Those are new. Is it the same area, though?

ROCHA: Same area.

DISTASO: Okay. Do you remember if they were sitting on the couch that faces the door or the couch that faces the counter?

ROCHA: Well, the furniture was, actually this a different, they were placed differently than that picture.

DISTASO: Oh, okay. Can you explain how the furniture was placed?

ROCHA: It was more like the couches were facing each other, with a coffee table in the middle.

DISTASO: Okay. So there was, like, one facing the door and one facing the opposite direction?

ROCHA: If you would walk in through the door there would be a couch, and a couch like on the side, and then a table in the middle.

DISTASO: Okay. All right. Okay. Let me show you, it's going to take, like, 30 seconds, Judge.

JUDGE: That's okay.

DISTASO: To switch it over.

JUDGE: That's all right.

DISTASO: Let me show you, Amy, this is People number 5. Do you, you recognize your sister Laci in that picture, right?


DISTASO: And you recognize the defendant, Scott Peterson?


DISTASO: Okay. You weren't present when that picture was taken?


DISTASO: What I want you to take a look at, though, is look at the coat that Laci's wearing. Do you recognize, does that coat look similar to the coat that she had on that you saw on the 23rd?


DISTASO: Is that about the length that it came down to?

ROCHA: I'm pretty sure, yes.

DISTASO: Okay. You said you're pretty sure. I want to make sure,

ROCHA: I mean,

DISTASO: get exactly what you remember.

ROCHA: I remember that it did go past her waist, so it went down further. I just don't know the exact length, how far it went down, but it looks familiar, yes.

DISTASO: Okay. So you don't remember, I mean, seeing her standing like that picture with the coat hanging all the way down?

ROCHA: Well, it did hang down, yes.

DISTASO: Okay. All right. Was that the color, though, a dark color like that?


DISTASO: And do you remember, how did it close? Do you remember that? I mean was it buttons or tie?

ROCHA: It was open, but I think it had buttons.

DISTASO: Let me show you this next Exhibit, People's number 6. And again you recognize your sister and the defendant, correct?


DISTASO: And she's wearing a cream colored scarf around her neck. Do you recognize that scarf?


DISTASO: And is that is the scarf that you saw her wearing on the 23rd?


DISTASO: This picture is really hard to see. I'm not going to be able to display it. Let me just show it to you. This is People's 9. Do you recognize the scarf that we were just talking about hanging, I mean in that picture?


DISTASO: And just what's it hanging on?

ROCHA: A nail, it looks like.

DISTASO: Okay. Is it in a closet?

ROCHA: In the closet, yes.

DISTASO: Okay. Okay. You can put those down. Now, while, while you were cutting Scott Peterson's hair, did, I'm assuming you were talking to him?


DISTASO: And you were talking to Laci?


DISTASO: And how were they interacting with each other?

ROCHA: It was like they always interacted with each other.

DISTASO: Did you notice anything out of the ordinary?


DISTASO: Okay. The, did you tell Laci about the package at Vella Farms?


DISTASO: And what did you, just basically what did you tell her about that?

ROCHA: I told her that I had purchased everything and that it was going to stay over there, they were going to wrap it and it was supposed to be picked up the next day.

DISTASO: Okay. The next day would have been when?

ROCHA: On December 24th.

DISTASO: Okay. So you had bought these items that are on that receipt? line 18 A. Yes.

DISTASO: And then they were going to assemble this basket for you?


DISTASO: And then you were going to pick it up the next day?


DISTASO: Did they tell you what time of day the basket was required to be picked up?

ROCHA: Yes, they said anytime after 12:00 noon but before 3:00 p.m.

DISTASO: On the 24th?


DISTASO: I'm sorry, after noon but before 3:00?


DISTASO: Did they tell you why you had to pick it up by 3:00 o'clock?

ROCHA: They were going to be closing at 3:00.

DISTASO: Did Scott Peterson say anything to you in regards to picking up this particular basket?

ROCHA: Yes. He said he offered, he offered to pick it up.

DISTASO: Okay. Do you remember what he said?

ROCHA: He said he would be out that way golfing and he would be able to pick it up.

DISTASO: And what did you say when he told you that information?

ROCHA: I said that would be great because it would save me a trip.

DISTASO: Okay. Did you have to work on the 24th?


DISTASO: And what hours were you going to be working on the 24th?

ROCHA: I believe I went in at 6:30 again, and I worked until about 2:30.

DISTASO: On the 24th?

ROCHA: That's when I left there but I was done working, yes.

DISTASO: Okay. And when you said this information, I'm going to be out golfing tomorrow, I'll be able to pick it up, do you know where the defendant usually golfed?

ROCHA: When he said I'll be out that way golfing, I assumed Del Rio.

DISTASO: Okay. Are you familiar as all with the Del Rio Country Club?


DISTASO: In the sense do you know where it is in Modesto?


DISTASO: And where is it? Because these folks don't know anything about Modesto.

ROCHA: Okay.

DISTASO: Where is it in relation to the Vella Farms fruit e 18 stand?

ROCHA: It's like a little north, well, it is north and a little east. So

DISTASO: Okay is it, I'm sorry, is it in the same direction of, or same part of town?

ROCHA: Yeah. On the same side of town.

DISTASO: I mean, when I say "town," it's out in the country?

ROCHA: On the same side.

DISTASO: On the same side, is that right?


DISTASO: Okay. And so after the defendant said he could pick this up for you, you said that would be great?


DISTASO: And did you tell him the information about the hours it had to be picked up?


DISTASO: And what did you tell him?

ROCHA: I said that you have to, it has to be picked up anytime after 12:00 noon but before 3:00 p.m.

DISTASO: Okay. Did, after you talked about this and you finished cutting the defendant's hair, did anything else happen at the salon that night?


DISTASO: What was that?


DISTASO: I'm sorry. And did Scott and Laci Peterson leave the salon before you did?


DISTASO: And then after they left, how long do you think you were at the salon?

ROCHA: Oh, I just cleaned up and left. Maybe 15 minutes.

DISTASO: Okay. Let's move, I'm sorry. Getting a little scatterbrained here. Before I, before I leave the 23rd, let me show you a, a shirt. This is marked as People's 10. It's a maternity blouse, for the record, your Honor.

JUDGE: All right. Color?

DISTASO: It is a black with a kind of tan or cream colored shirt.

JUDGE: Okay. 10 is a maternity blouse.

DISTASO: And Amy, do you recognize this,

ROCHA: It looks familiar.

DISTASO: People's 10? Okay. The, the shirt that you described, let me just stick it up here. The shirt that you described Laci wearing that night, was it similar to the shirt that I just showed you there, People's 10?

ROCHA: Yes, it's similar.

DISTASO: Okay. Do you know for certain as you sit here today if that's the exact shirt she was wearing?

ROCHA: Not for certain.


ROCHA: But similar.

DISTASO: Okay. What's similar about it? Can you tell the jury why you think that shirt's similar to the one you saw?

ROCHA: Because it's a black blouse with a cream design on it.

DISTASO: Okay. And where was that, are you aware of where that particular shirt, shirt that's marked as People's 10, where it was eventually found?


DISTASO: And can you tell the jury about that? Were you involved in locating that?


DISTASO: Go ahead and tell the jury what day was it, do you remember, that you went to the house?

ROCHA: I think it was February 18th.

DISTASO: Okay. And,

JUDGE: What house did she go to?

DISTASO: Yeah, I'm getting there, Judge.

DISTASO: When I say the house, I'm talking about 523 Covena.


DISTASO: Okay. Were you called to the house by Modesto police?


DISTASO: Do you remember who it was that called you?

ROCHA: I don't remember.

DISTASO: Okay. And do you remember who you met with at the house, 523 Covena?

ROCHA: Well, there were, there were several people. I remember Investigator Grogan.

DISTASO: You remember Detective Grogan?


DISTASO: And did he take you into the house?


DISTASO: And show you some items of clothing?

ROCHA: He took me in the house, yes.

DISTASO: Okay. And then what did you do when you went in there?

ROCHA: I just kind of looked, we looked through clothing, yes.

DISTASO: Okay. What kind of clothing, what clothing were you looking for?

ROCHA: Well, I guess the clothing that she would be,

JUDGE: What happened to your microphone? Can you pull it up a little bit?

ROCHA: Sure. Is that better?

DISTASO: Go ahead.

ROCHA: We were looking for the clothing that I had described.

DISTASO: Okay. Did you look at a number of Laci's clothing there at the house?


DISTASO: Can you show the jury on People's 12, just use the pointer and show them where you went in, how you went into the house on the 18th, and where, where you went and looked at these items of clothing?

ROCHA: Okay. I entered through this gate.

DISTASO: Okay. Let me stop. That's, just for the record, that's gate number two, right?



ROCHA: And then into the French doors.

DISTASO: Okay. That's the French doors off the kitchen?


DISTASO: Go ahead.

ROCHA: And then back into the master bedroom.

DISTASO: All right. And did Laci keep her things, her clothes and jewelry there in the master bedroom?

ROCHA: Yes. The closet was here.

DISTASO: Okay. Okay. You can go ahead, have a seat again. Let me show you, before we get there, can we just kick one of the lights, Judge?

JUDGE: Sure.

DISTASO: I'm getting a lot of glare off the plastic. Thanks.

DISTASO: This is, for the record, your Honor, this is People's 8. It's a photograph with a big number 20 in the middle and some items of jewelry.

JUDGE: Okay.

DISTASO: There we go.

DISTASO: In this picture, People's 8, Ms. Rocha, do you see, don't look at the jewelry yet, but do you see a dresser there?


DISTASO: Or a bureau? Can you write on the diagram where that bureau or dresser, the one that's in People's 8, where in the room it was located?


DISTASO: And just write, you can just write "dresser." Okay. Thank you. And you went back, you told us you went back into the master bedroom?


DISTASO: And where did you look for clothes?

ROCHA: Right in the closet, in the dresser.

DISTASO: Okay. Do you know where that, the shirt that we've been talking about, People's number 10, do you know where People's number 10 was found?

ROCHA: Yes. In the dresser on the left-hand side, top drawer.

DISTASO: So as we're looking at the, at the picture, People's 8, of the dresser, it's on the left-hand side of the top drawer?


DISTASO: And how was it placed into the dresser?

ROCHA: It was just kind of wadded up.

DISTASO: Okay. And did you take it out?


DISTASO: And, and then who, did somebody unwad it or, you know, lay it out?

ROCHA: Yeah, I believe it was one of the detectives that were there.

DISTASO: Okay. And that's the shirt that we're looking at here, People's 10?


DISTASO: Okay. Let me show you another picture. This is People's number 7. Do you see, it's difficult to see, and I can show you the actual picture if you need to, but do you see that shirt, the blouse we've been talking about, People's 10, in the picture designated People's number 7?


DISTASO: And can you just state for the record where it is?

ROCHA: In the laundry basket.

DISTASO: Okay. It's kind of hanging out of the hamper?


DISTASO: The dresser that you see on the right-hand side of the photograph, People's number 7, is that the same dresser that you told us about that you marked on People's No. 12, the diagram?


DISTASO: And that would be the left-hand side of the dresser?


DISTASO: And you said you found it in the upper, the upper drawer?



JUDGE: How did it get into the, the hamper?

DISTASO: We'll get there, Judge.

JUDGE: Oh, okay.

DISTASO: I guess just so, so everybody's clear, Amy, you don't, other than the fact that you're identifying the shirt that's in this picture, you don't know when this picture was taken, correct?

ROCHA: Correct.

DISTASO: And you weren't the one that took this picture?



JUDGE: Can you see the screen all right?

ROCHA: Yeah, I can see. I have to kind of lean forward.

DISTASO: Now, going back to, one final question about the clothes. When you were there on February 18th, did you also look at some scarves?


DISTASO: And did you identify or did you find the scarf that, the cream colored scarf that we've been talking about?


DISTASO: Okay. Before we move on to the 24th, let me ask you some questions about some jewelry? Did you inherit some jewelry from your grandmother?


DISTASO: And when did that take place?

ROCHA: That was sometime in November.

DISTASO: Sometime in November of 2002?


DISTASO: And was, this was your grandmother on your father's side?


DISTASO: Dennis?


DISTASO: So it was Laci's grandmother also?


DISTASO: And did you and Laci both kind of inherit your grandmother's jewelry together?


DISTASO: How is it that you decided to divide up the jewelry or who would take what kind of jewelry? What was the arrangement?

ROCHA: We had just gone through it together and just chose what we both wanted. And there were also things that we would share that would be kept with her.

DISTASO: And so that the items that were going to be kept with Laci, if you wanted to use them or wear them you could just ask her for them?

ROCHA: Oh, yeah.

DISTASO: Okay. Do you remember what kind of items Laci got? What types of jewelry items?

ROCHA: Well, there's various types. I remember we each got a pair of earrings and we each got a watch, and I think she got some necklaces. There was a large variety of stuff.

DISTASO: Okay. So you each kind of went through, found some things that you liked, agreed that you could each have that, and the remainder kind of stayed with Laci?


DISTASO: Okay. Let me show you a picture, People's 8. And do you recognize the jewelry that is shown on that picture?


DISTASO: Again, do you know when this particular picture was taken?


DISTASO: Okay. So you weren't involved in taking this picture?


DISTASO: So all I'm asking you about is, is some of the jewelry here. Let me ask you about this sapphire ring. Was that one of the rings that you inherited from your grandmother? Or Laci did, I should say.


DISTASO: And what about that diamond-faced watch?


DISTASO: And the two diamond pendants?


DISTASO: So those were items that Laci received from your grandmother, and, when you both decided to divide them up, that she kept those?


DISTASO: And then you kept some other items?


DISTASO: Okay. Let me show you another picture, People's number 4. And do you recognize the watch in that picture?


DISTASO: Okay. Let me show it, let me just show you on the screen so everybody can see what we're talking about.

GERAGOS: Can you just show these to me before, the first time?

DISTASO: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll do that.

GERAGOS: Just the first time.

DISTASO: The, People's number 4, it's another picture, it's a couple pages of a picture of a watch. Do you recognize that watch?


DISTASO: Is that one of the watches that Laci inherited from your grandmother?


DISTASO: And is that watch one that you or Laci were interested in wearing?


DISTASO: And why was that?

ROCHA: Well, I wasn't interested in it. I didn't think it was my style, and I don't think she felt it was her style, either.

DISTASO: Okay. Can you tell us why that was? Did you want to look at it to see?

ROCHA: Well, some of the things were a little gaudy, so I think maybe that's why. I don't know.

DISTASO: Okay. Were some of the jewelry, was some of the jewelry that you received from your grandmother a little too ostentatious, I guess, for your tastes?


DISTASO: And did Laci feel the same way?


DISTASO: Okay. Let's go back to December 24th now. So everybody's left the salon from the 23rd, right?


DISTASO: And then you just went home?


DISTASO: Did you talk to Laci, your sister, did you speak to her or see her again anytime after 6:45 or 7:00 o'clock or so on the 23rd of December?


DISTASO: On the 24th you said that you were working?


DISTASO: And you didn't hear then, I take it, from Laci the entire day?


DISTASO: Did you hear from, and just in the period you were working, did you hear from the defendant, Scott Peterson, at all during the entire day?

ROCHA: Not while I was at work, no.

DISTASO: Okay. At some point that day did you get a call that, about that gift basket?


DISTASO: Now, you had arranged, or you had set up for Scott Peterson to pick up the gift basket?


DISTASO: Okay. Were you expecting to receive a call from Vella Farms about the basket on the 24th?


DISTASO: Can you tell the court what happened? You got a call at what time?

ROCHA: It was around 3:45 and I got a call from Vella Farms, and she just said, she was wondering if we were going to be coming out to pick up the basket.


JUDGE: What time was it?

ROCHA: 3:45.

DISTASO: 3:45 in the afternoon you got a call about the basket, right?

ROCHA: Right.

DISTASO: And what happened next?

ROCHA: Well, first I was, like, surprised. I didn't think they were even open still.

DISTASO: Mm-hmm.

ROCHA: And I just said No one's been out there to pick it up? And she said no. So at that point I said Okay, I'll be on my way. And then I hung up with her, and I tried to call Scott to maybe catch him, if he was out that way still.

DISTASO: And what, did you try to get a hold of Scott Peterson?

ROCHA: Yes, I called his cell phone and then I called,

DISTASO: Go ahead.

ROCHA: and I called Laci and Scott's house.

DISTASO: Was there a answer at the residence?

ROCHA: No answer.

DISTASO: Did you leave a message on either phone?


DISTASO: What did you do next?

ROCHA: I went out to go pick it up.

DISTASO: Okay. And where were you when you received the call?

ROCHA: At home.

DISTASO: So you left from your home,


DISTASO: somewhere in Modesto?


DISTASO: And you drove out to Vella Farms?


DISTASO: What time of day was that?

ROCHA: Well, it was close to 4:00, probably, by the time I got out there. Maybe even a few minutes later.

DISTASO: Okay. And there were obviously people there?

ROCHA: Yes, but they were closing.

DISTASO: You told them you were coming?


DISTASO: So they were closing the place down. And then did you pick up the basket?


DISTASO: Okay. What happened next? What happened next on the 24th?

ROCHA: Then I drove back home and

DISTASO: Okay. Go ahead.

ROCHA: That's it.

DISTASO: So you were home?

ROCHA: I was at home.

DISTASO: All right. Did you have any plans for Christmas Eve dinner?

ROCHA: I was planning to meet up with my dad.

DISTASO: Okay. And what time were you supposed to meet with your father?

ROCHA: I can't remember.

DISTASO: All right. And do you remember where you were going to meet him?

ROCHA: I think at his house. I don't quite remember, though.

DISTASO: You don't remember for sure?

ROCHA: Not for sure.

DISTASO: And what, did something happen or did you receive a phone call that caused you to not meet up with your father?

ROCHA: Yes. When Scott called my cell phone.

DISTASO: Okay. And Scott's the defendant?


DISTASO: And what did he say when he called your cell phone?

ROCHA: He was panicked and he was wondering if Laci had been with me.

DISTASO: Do you remember what time that was?

ROCHA: I would say somewhere between 5:15, 5:30.

DISTASO: And did he call your cell phone, at that time between 5:15 and 5:30 did you actually speak to him?


DISTASO: All right. Had you received any messages on your cell phone prior to that time?


DISTASO: Okay. And when you spoke to him, he asked you was Laci with you?


DISTASO: And you told him what?


DISTASO: And did he ask you anything else?

ROCHA: He just was asking if she was with me or if I had seen her.

DISTASO: Okay. Did he say anything about where he had been that day?


DISTASO: At that time, I'm just talking about at that phone call.


DISTASO: All right. Did you ask him?


DISTASO: Did you ask him, probably not, because of the situation, but let me ask you this: Did you ask him Well, where have you been, what about the gift basket? Anything like that?

ROCHA: I did not ask him, no.

DISTASO: Okay. What happened next?

ROCHA: Well, I had asked if maybe she was at her mom's.

DISTASO: Uh-huh.

ROCHA: And he said no.


ROCHA: Then he was going to make some calls and call me back.

DISTASO: Okay. So when you say your mom, you're talking about Sharon?

ROCHA: Sharon, yes.

DISTASO: And he said he was going to make some calls and then call you back?


DISTASO: And what happened next, then?

ROCHA: And then I then hung up, and I think I called my dad after that to let him know.

DISTASO: To let him know what?

ROCHA: To let him know that Scott had called, because that was, we didn't know what was going on at that point.

DISTASO: Okay. What time was, you said he called around 5:15 or 5:30?


DISTASO: And how long did you talk to him?

ROCHA: For just, like, real quick. A couple minutes.

DISTASO: Like a couple minutes?

ROCHA: Yeah.

DISTASO: And then you called your father?


DISTASO: And how long was that conversation?

ROCHA: Just a couple minutes again.

DISTASO: And then what happened next?

ROCHA: I called my mom.

DISTASO: Mm-hmm.

ROCHA: And then I waited for a little while, and then I just headed over to their house.

DISTASO: Okay. When you're talking about "their" house, you're talking about 523 Covena?


DISTASO: Okay. And what time do you think you got there?

ROCHA: I don't remember.

DISTASO: Do you have any idea?


DISTASO: Well, let me stop you. Let's put it in relation to, he called you at 5:30, right?

ROCHA: Right.

DISTASO: Or 5:15 to 5:30 you said?


DISTASO: Couple minutes. A couple minutes to call your dad?

ROCHA: Yeah.

DISTASO: And then did you leave right away after that?

ROCHA: Probably waited a few minutes. It was probably around 6:00 o'clock. Or a little after.

DISTASO: Okay. When you left?

ROCHA: Or when I got to their house.

DISTASO: Okay. In the interim period had you called anybody else?


DISTASO: Okay. And what happened when you got to the house?

ROCHA: Well, when I first pulled up Sharon was there, so I just got out and met with her.

DISTASO: And what was Sharon's condition?

ROCHA: Oh, she was very upset.

DISTASO: Okay. Now, can you go to the diagram and show me, can you write on there where Covena Avenue would be,


DISTASO: on that diagram? Okay. Let me ask you this, just so we're completely accurate. If this represents the walkway, the little tiles all the way down, would there be grass in the front yard right there?

ROCHA: Yes, there is grass.

DISTASO: Okay. And then would the street be down in this area?


DISTASO: Could you just cross that out real quick and write "lawn" and then write "Covena Avenue" kind of more like where it would be? Okay. Thank you. And then so you say you drove up to the house?

ROCHA: Uh-huh.

DISTASO: Do you remember who was there at the house when you got there?

ROCHA: I just remember talking and seeing Sharon.

DISTASO: I'm sorry, I missed that?

ROCHA: Oh, just, I just remember like first going to Sharon and talking to her.

DISTASO: Okay. And then what do you remember happening next?

ROCHA: There are more people showing up.

DISTASO: Like, can you say, can you tell me who some of them were?

ROCHA: Some of Laci's friends.

DISTASO: Do you remember their names?

ROCHA: Like Stacey.

DISTASO: Stacey what?

ROCHA: Boyers.

DISTASO: Okay. Who else?

ROCHA: There was actually a carload of them that came together.

DISTASO: Okay. So there was a large number of people?


DISTASO: Was that all kind of family and friends?

ROCHA: Family and friends, yes.

DISTASO: Were you present, actually, I don't even want to go there. Just tell me next, what happened next.

ROCHA: I can't really remember.


ROCHA: We were, like, all frantic.

DISTASO: Everybody was pretty frantic?


DISTASO: When you got to the house, did anybody go down and search the park or do anything in the park?

ROCHA: I don't remember. I did not go down there.

DISTASO: Okay. Do you know where the park is in relation to the house?


DISTASO: And can you just tell the jury, we'll have more pictures later, but just set them up where the park is in relation to the 523 Covena.

ROCHA: Yes. It would be north of their house. Maybe a block up, and then down.

DISTASO: Okay. So it was a block up and then down. Have you ever seen that path that leads down to the park?


DISTASO: Is it like a steep dirt footpath?


DISTASO: But you did not go down to the park that night?


DISTASO: When you got there was it dark?


DISTASO: Okay. What happened next, then? What's the next thing you remember about that night?

ROCHA: I just remember more people coming, and there were more police there.

DISTASO: Okay. The police arrived?


DISTASO: Were the police present at the house when you got there?

ROCHA: I'm pretty sure, yes.

DISTASO: Okay. And where were, where did you kind of stand while all this was going on? What were you doing?

ROCHA: We were kind of out in the street.

DISTASO: Uh-huh.

ROCHA: In front of their house.

DISTASO: Okay. Was everybody just kind of grouped around there?


DISTASO: And if you don't know this, you know, I don't want you guessing, but can you give me some idea how many people were there at the house that night? You know, people, you said carloads were arriving, people were coming. Can you give me some idea how many people were there?

JUDGE: Including the police?

DISTASO: Including the police.

ROCHA: I don't know.


ROCHA: There were quite a few, but I don't know, I can't give you a number.

DISTASO: Okay. At this point on the 24th there were no media trucks, or were there any media trucks there at the house?


DISTASO: Okay. What happened next, then? What's the next thing you remember about that night?

ROCHA: We, well, the next thing I remember we started going house to house with a picture of Laci and asking all the neighbors.

DISTASO: And did you do that?

ROCHA: Uh-huh, I went with one of her friends.

DISTASO: Do you remember who you went with?

ROCHA: Yes. I can't remember her name.



DISTASO: Was it just you and one other person?


DISTASO: And were you the only people going around with pictures?

ROCHA: No. There were other people, too.

DISTASO: Okay. Were you involved at all in going down and getting some missing persons fliers printed up?


DISTASO: So you went around, and what pictures were you using of Laci?

ROCHA: I don't remember. There were just little photos.

DISTASO: Like photos from the house?

ROCHA: No, like little snapshot-like photos.

DISTASO: Do you remember where you got those from?

ROCHA: I don't remember.

DISTASO: Okay. And did you actually talk to any people?


DISTASO: Did, can you tell me about that? Just take me through what you did.

ROCHA: Well, we went house, like door-to-door and just asked if they had seen my sister, or if they had seen anyone walking a dog.

DISTASO: Mm-hmm.

ROCHA: And we basically went door-to-door, and everyone said no.

DISTASO: On the street?

ROCHA: Yeah, just kind of down the block and around. We kind of looped.

DISTASO: Okay. You did kind of a loop around the block?


DISTASO: And you actually went up to houses and talked to people?


DISTASO: And you asked them if they've seen, you showed them a picture of Laci?


DISTASO: And you said have you seen my sister, Laci?


DISTASO: Or have you seen a pregnant woman walking a dog, anything like that?


DISTASO: And they all said no.

GERAGOS: Objection. Hearsay and compound.

JUDGE: It is a compound question. Did you get any affirmative response from anybody?


JUDGE: Next question.

DISTASO: All right. How long do you think you did that for?

ROCHA: I have no idea.

DISTASO: And then at some point did you then return to the house,


DISTASO: 523 Covena?


DISTASO: And what, what happened next, what's the next thing you did?

ROCHA: I can't quite remember. I just remember we were all, like, all in front of the house, like on the lawn. Different people were coming still.

DISTASO: Okay. Do you have any idea what time of night it was by this point?


DISTASO: Okay. Did you see Scott Peterson at all that night?


DISTASO: And where did you see him?

ROCHA: Somewhere out front, like in the,


ROCHA: in the yard, on the lawn.

DISTASO: Okay. Did you talk to him at all that night?

ROCHA: Yes, but I don't remember clearly what we talked about.

DISTASO: Okay. You do remember that you spoke to him?

ROCHA: Yes. Like saying hi, but he was kind of all over the place.

DISTASO: Okay. What do you mean by that?

ROCHA: I mean he was going, talking to different people, so

DISTASO: Walking around?


DISTASO: Was he going around the neighborhood?

ROCHA: I don't know.

DISTASO: Okay. You don't know?

ROCHA: Huh-uh.

DISTASO: When you say he was going around talking to people, are you talking about there at the house?


DISTASO: So, like, people that are on the lawn?


DISTASO: Did you see him with the police officers at all?

ROCHA: I think so, yes.

DISTASO: Can you tell me about that?

ROCHA: I don't remember specifically who he was with.

DISTASO: You just saw him talking to some police officers?


DISTASO: Did you see other people talking to the police officers?

ROCHA: I can't quite remember.

DISTASO: Okay. What happened next then? You did that, you know, you've done this canvass kind of the neighborhood, you came back, you talked about that. You don't have any memory of what time it was by this point, right?


DISTASO: Okay. What happened next? Just take me through the whole rest of the night.

ROCHA: I don't really quite remember much.


ROCHA: I mean we were there until late and I ended up going home at some point, but...

DISTASO: Okay. People were pretty upset, of course?


DISTASO: And you don't know what time it was that you left the house?


DISTASO: But then you did go back to your own home?


DISTASO: Who, do you remember who was present when you left?

ROCHA: No. I don't remember.

DISTASO: At any time during the course of your relationship with your sister Laci, did she ever mention the fact that Scott Peterson had purchased a boat?


DISTASO: Okay. At any time at all?

ROCHA: No time at all, no.

DISTASO: Okay. Did you know on the 23rd of December or anytime prior to that that Scott Peterson had purchased a boat?


DISTASO: Did you know him, at any time that you knew him, did you know him to, to, I'm sorry. Did you know either he or Laci to frequent boats?


DISTASO: Or I mean to go boating?


DISTASO: At any time in, in your relationship with your sister, anytime up until the last time you spoke to her on the 23rd, did she ever mention anything to you about Scott Peterson having an affair?


DISTASO: Did she ever give you any indication, let me strike that. Did, did Scott Peterson, or did you come, did you get this knowledge from any other source that Scott Peterson was having an affair anytime up to December 23rd?


DISTASO: So it's fair to say, up to that point you had no knowledge of a woman by the name of Amber Frey?


DISTASO: And you had no knowledge from any source that Scott Peterson owned a 14 foot aluminum boat?


DISTASO: Okay. You had never seen it?


DISTASO: And Laci never mentioned it?



DISTASO: Your Honor, if I can just have one minute?

JUDGE: Sure. 

DISTASO: Amy, I apologize for not asking about this earlier. The, take a look at this pair of maternity pants and can you tell me if the pants that you saw Laci in on the 23rd, are they the same color as those pants you're holding up there on People's 11?


DISTASO: And feel the material, and how would you describe that?

ROCHA: They're like a stretchy cotton spandex.

DISTASO: Okay. Is that similar to the material that you remember Laci's pants being when you saw her on the 23rd?


DISTASO: Okay. And just for the record, these particular pants that I'm holding in my hand, you didn't have any, you didn't get these pants for the police or anything else?

ROCHA: Oh, no.

DISTASO: All right.

JUDGE: The box is part of the exhibit, right?

DISTASO: It is. Okay, your Honor. I apologize. I'm finished now.


Cross Examination by Mark Geragos

GERAGOS: Could I just ask two questions, before we go, on these pants?

JUDGE: Go ahead.

GERAGOS: You were shown a picture of these pants before, weren't you?


GERAGOS: And you specifically were asked were these the pants that Laci was wearing that night, the 23rd, right?


GERAGOS: And you said they were not, isn't that correct?

ROCHA: Well, actually, I was shown three pictures, and I was never able to, like, determine one of the three, but these were similar in color and length.

GERAGOS: But they were different cotton, you said,

ROCHA: I just don't remember the cuff or the line within the middle.

GERAGOS: Right. And you said that they were not, in your interview with Detective Grogan you said they were not the pants, isn't that correct?

ROCHA: Well, they were not the exact, they were close in color.

GERAGOS: Right. But not the pants because they did not have, the pants she was wearing on the 23rd did not have the line nor the cuff, right?

ROCHA: Right.

GERAGOS: Thank you. The rest of the items that I need are in evidence, and I'll bring them out.

<evening and weekend recess>


June 7, 2004

Cross Examination by Mark Geragos, resumed

GERAGOS: Good morning.

ROCHA: Good morning.

GERAGOS: How are you?

ROCHA: Good, how are you?

GERAGOS: Good. The, let me take you back to some of the questions that Mr. Distaso was asking you. Specifically the, Laci and Scott moved to Modesto approximately what year?

ROCHA: I think I said 2000.

GERAGOS: Okay. And they did not, we've been talking about, and what you were pointing to up here was this schematic of the Covena address, 523 Covena, right?


GERAGOS: But they didn't move into that house first when they came to Modesto, did they?


GERAGOS: They were renting another house somewhere in town?


GERAGOS: Okay. Do you remember where that was?


GERAGOS: And they lived there for about a year?

ROCHA: In the rental?

GERAGOS: In the rental house.

ROCHA: I'm not sure.

GERAGOS: But you had never gone over to that house?


GERAGOS: The, at that point in 2000 they had been married when they moved to Modesto for approximately how long?

ROCHA: Three years.

GERAGOS: Okay. And would you say that your, obviously you were six years separated in age from Laci. Did you, would you say that your relationship got closer after they had bought the house and moved into Covena?


GERAGOS: Okay. I don't want to say that you were distant from her before that but, it was not one of those things where you went over all the time. In fact, for the one year they had the rental you had never been over to the house?

ROCHA: Right.

DISTASO: Objection, your Honor. Misstates her testimony with the one year.

JUDGE: She just answered yes. Overruled.

GERAGOS: Okay. After they moved into the Covena house and kind of settled down into Modesto, and then you started working right about then, roughly?

ROCHA: I was still in school, but shortly after that, yes.

GERAGOS: Okay. And at that point you would be a visitor to the house on Covena at least fairly frequently?


GERAGOS: Okay. How often would you say you would go over there on average in a month?

ROCHA: I mean, I didn't have a schedule. I just would stop here and there.

GERAGOS: Okay. Phone up, see if she was there, if so, stop by, things like that?


GERAGOS: You had indicated also that, I guess if I understand it right, you share a father, Dennis?


GERAGOS: But you have different mothers?


GERAGOS: Okay. Now, there also was an inheritance approximately three weeks prior to Laci going missing, isn't that right? That you've talked about with Mr. Distaso?


GERAGOS: Okay. The inheritance came through your dad's side of the family, right?


GERAGOS: And so that involved, the inheritance would go, and was that your grandmother?


GERAGOS: Okay. And she had passed away?


GERAGOS: And she had, well, there was a substantial amount of jewelry that she had collected over the years, correct?


GERAGOS: Now, that jewelry included, well, in excess of fifty to a hundred thousand dollars' worth of jewelry, conservatively?

ROCHA: I have no idea what it was worth.

GERAGOS: Okay. There were appraisals that came in connection with that, weren't there? Did you ever see the appraisals for the,

ROCHA: I never saw any appraisals.

GERAGOS: Okay. Did, is it a fair statement that Laci basically was dealing with most of the jewelry, and then if you wanted anything she would let you wear it? But that most of the jewelry she was dealing with or she was in charge of?

ROCHA: Well, she was in charge of picking up the jewelry, but then we both went through it, and then we did keep some of it at her house that we would share.

GERAGOS: She have the lion's share of the jewelry? I think I asked you that question at the prelim and you said yes. Is that a fair statement?

ROCHA: Well, yes.

GERAGOS: Okay. Well, she was always, or were you aware that she was putting a lot of that jewelry on eBay?


GERAGOS: Were you aware that she was also going to local pawn shops in Modesto and pawning some of the jewelry?


GERAGOS: Would she tell you, Look, this is something I'm trying to get, you two looked at, for example, I don't want to go through every piece of jewelry here,

ROCHA: Right.

GERAGOS: but is it a fair characterization that what would happen is that you had this whole group or boxes of the jewelry, the two of you went through it, there was a number of items that you said, Look, we're not going to wear this, this isn't our style, it's not my style, let's see if we can sell this and make some money?


GERAGOS: Okay. And Laci was pretty much in charge of doing that as well, wasn't she?


GERAGOS: Okay. You weren't putting stuff, you weren't going to pawn shops?


GERAGOS: And you weren't going on eBay?


GERAGOS: And then would she tell you if something sold? Or had you not really gotten to that point yet?

ROCHA: We had just talked about one watch being sold.

GERAGOS: Do you remember what watch that was?

ROCHA: It was a Mickey Mouse watch.

GERAGOS: Okay. That was one of the ones she put on eBay?


GERAGOS: Now, do you remember that there was a Croton watch, C-R-O-T-O-N? Kind of a ladies' dress watch, goldish style with a small face in a circle of diamonds?

ROCHA: Yeah. There were a couple of gold watches.

GERAGOS: And that, and is it a fair statement that neither of you were really enthused about hanging on to those watches?

ROCHA: Yeah. There was one that we weren't interested in.

GERAGOS: Okay. Now, when you went back in and took a look at, I want to try to set it up. There was a couple of times that you were at the house, so that the jury understands, when you were being shown items, for instance, this item, which was the, the Motherhood blouse, and then you were looking also for some pants and things, that was in February?


GERAGOS: That was when the search warrant was being executed in., I think on February 18th, correct?


GERAGOS: Okay. Now, the, remember there was one point where they showed a hamper, a picture of a hamper? Do you remember that up on the screen on Thursday?


GERAGOS: That was not what, how it looked on February 18th when you were in there?


GERAGOS: Okay. And somebody had led you to believe that this hamper, I think I've got it right here, or asked you about it, that this, is this on? This is the picture, I'm sorry. This is the picture that was shown on Thursday, and if I'm not mistaken, this was a picture, just for your reference, I think they told you this, that was taken either on the 24th or the 26th of December. This was not something that you saw on the 18th, right?

ROCHA: Right.

GERAGOS: Okay. And somebody was, had pointed out in the picture whether or not this item right here that I'm pointing to,


GERAGOS: matched up with or looked like this item which I'm holding up, which is Exhibit 10,


GERAGOS: right?

ROCHA: Uh-huh.

GERAGOS: Okay. Now, when you went in on that date, when you went in on the 18th, they wanted you, so that I understand, to pick up or to point out what you thought Laci was wearing on December 23rd, right?


GERAGOS: Okay. And you picked out, and I already asked 1 you on Thursday, they've showed you subsequent to that the pants that are in here, and you told them these were definitely not the pants?

DISTASO: Objection, your Honor. That misstates the testimony.

GERAGOS: No, that's what she told them in her interview.

JUDGE: I think she testified those were not the pants.


JUDGE: She testified to that on Thursday those were not the pants.

ROCHA: I had testified that the color and the length, but I couldn't remember exactly the cuffs and the line were in them.

GERAGOS: Right. And they showed you some pictures of pants before they showed you these, right?


GERAGOS: And they did that within the last six weeks, eight weeks? Recently I guess.

ROCHA: Showed me the pictures?


ROCHA: That was a while back.

GERAGOS: February?

ROCHA: I don't know the date.

GERAGOS: Neither do I. Off the top of my head. When they showed you pictures, they showed you pictures of these pants, and you said they were definitely not the pants, isn't that what you told them?

ROCHA: Well, actually, out of the three pictures that they showed me, I wasn't able to clearly pick one, but between two of them, that was one that,

GERAGOS: And you said definitely not is what you told them in the interview?

ROCHA: No, I didn't say definitely not. I, just between the two pictures,

GERAGOS: Hold on for a sec, let me just pull it up. Well, when you went in on the 18th you picked two other pairs of pants, isn't that correct? These two pairs? Isn't that what you picked out then?




GERAGOS: Okay. And then let's see, it looks like it was July 23rd of 2003 that you had the interview, or they were showing you the pictures. And you said you were pretty comfortable with the pictures, correct?


GERAGOS: Okay. And then you also said that the, I'll show you the exact spot. Does that refresh your recollection?

ROCHA: Yeah, but photo number one

GERAGOS: Uh-huh.

ROCHA: was definitely no, but that's not, those are not photo number one.

JUDGE: For the record, Mr. Geragos, what you're showing her?

GERAGOS: I'm showing you her taped interview of July 23rd.

GERAGOS: The, if I were to tell you that the photos that you pointed out to in your interview, when you said they definitely were not the, the same, would that refresh your recollection that you said,

ROCHA: If you showed me the photos, yes.

GERAGOS: Okay. I'll do, I'll get those for you. In the interim, the pants you picked out on the 18th that you said were the closest were this and this, right?



DISTASO: Your Honor, just for the record, can we have, I don't know if those are marked.

GERAGOS: Mark it right now.

JUDGE: Hasn't been marked.

GERAGOS: She's identified them so I'll make this, if I could,

JUDGE: Make this a Defendant's Exhibit.

GERAGOS: Defendant's Exhibit A.

JUDGE: All right.

GERAGOS: And I'm going to show you, you had also picked out the shirt that you said she was wearing, is that right?


GERAGOS: Okay. If you can't see, I'll pull it, hand it to you.

ROCHA: Maybe if I could see it closer.



GERAGOS: Okay. So you've picked out pants, you picked out a shirt. And I'm going to mark the shirt as defense B.

GERAGOS: You also picked out some shoes, and I'll show them to you first before I mark it.


GERAGOS: Okay. Let me mark this, if I could, a pair of shoes with a placard that says 21 on it.

JUDGE: All right. That will be Defendant's C.


GERAGOS: Okay. Now, these were the shoes that you said most resembled the ones that you saw her wearing on the late afternoon of the 23rd, correct?


GERAGOS: Okay. Now, you also picked out, I think, I'll mark this as Defendant's D, show it to you. Did you pick these out? Or did somebody just show them to you?

ROCHA: I don't remember picking these out, no.

GERAGOS: Okay. So I'll reserve this.

JUDGE: Okay. Did you want it marked just for now, Mr. Geragos?

GERAGOS: Yeah, just,

JUDGE: What is it?

GERAGOS: reference sake, Defense D.

JUDGE: What is it?

GERAGOS: Picture of black pants.

JUDGE: Okay. Appear to be maternity pants.

JUDGE: Okay.

GERAGOS: Now, when you went in on the 18th, when the officers asked you to pick out the items that she was wearing, is it a fair statement that you had already told the officers early on in the investigation that there was a video camera at Salon Salon?

ROCHA: I did mention that to them, yes.

GERAGOS: Okay. And you told them If you want to know what she was wearing, we have a video camera, you could look at the camera or get the tapes and see what she was wearing, something to that effect?

ROCHA: I just remember telling them that we had a camera, surveillance camera, but not to look for what she was wearing.

GERAGOS: Okay. So you told them that you had a video camera, and that was within the first day or two, isn't that correct?

ROCHA: No, I think that was a couple of weeks.

GERAGOS: Well, do you remember, do you remember saying that you did it right away at the preliminary hearing?

ROCHA: Yes, I do.

GERAGOS: Okay. So at the preliminary hearing

ROCHA: It was early on, but maybe not two days later.

GERAGOS: Okay. Do you remember at the preliminary hearing, though, you testified that it was right away?

ROCHA: I think I just mentioned that it was early on.

GERAGOS: Now, on the 23rd, what time did she come in, let's see. She was already there when you got there, correct?


GERAGOS: Okay. When she got there, let's see, you had spoken to her on the phone a couple of times that day?


GERAGOS: How many times would you say?

ROCHA: Twice in,



GERAGOS: Okay. Did you call her or did Laci call you?

ROCHA: The second time I called her. The first time I can't remember.

GERAGOS: Okay. And the, when was the second time, approximately? What time of day?

ROCHA: I was at Vella Farms when I called her. It was probably close, maybe 5:20.

GERAGOS: Okay. And at 5:20 when you talked to her, did you tell, was she already at the shop?


GERAGOS: Do you know where she was?1 A. I think I called her at home. She was at home.

GERAGOS: Okay. And was Scott there as well?

ROCHA: I think so, yes.

GERAGOS: Okay. Now, when you got to the shop, did you go directly from Vella Farms to the shop?


GERAGOS: Okay. When you got to the shop she was already there?


GERAGOS: And she was with Scott?


GERAGOS: Okay. And when you walked in where were they sitting?

ROCHA: They were sitting on the couches, in the waiting area.

GERAGOS: Okay. And when they were sitting there in the waiting area, did you see them talking to anybody else?

ROCHA: I don't remember them talking to anyone else, no.

GERAGOS: Okay. And were they getting along okay?


GERAGOS: You didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, did you?


GERAGOS: You didn't, they didn't appear to be fighting, did they?


GERAGOS: In fact, the entire time you've known them, have you ever seen them fight?

ROCHA: No, I have not.

GERAGOS: Okay. And the entire time you've known them, they appeared to get along very well, haven't they?


GERAGOS: The entire time you've known them, Laci has never told you of any major problems in the marriage, has she?


GERAGOS: And never told you about, you know, Scott is cheating on me or doing anything of that, did she?


GERAGOS: Okay. You've learned subsequent to Laci disappearing that, through the police telling you, that there was, besides Amber Frey, there was other affairs, isn't that correct?

DISTASO: Objection, your Honor. Calls for hearsay.

GERAGOS: Goes to her state of mind.

JUDGE: Yeah. Overruled.

GERAGOS: Did the police tell you that there was at least one other affair that Scott had had?

ROCHA: I don't remember them telling me, other than the one affair.

GERAGOS: Okay. Do you, did anybody ever tell you that afterwards?

ROCHA: I might have heard, like not from the police, but just overheard, I don't know, a rumor or something.

GERAGOS: Media or rumors,


GERAGOS: people talking? You had no indication of that from Laci, isn't that correct?

ROCHA: Yeah, no indication.

GERAGOS: I mean at the time, as far as you knew, this was a marriage that was working and working very well, isn't that a fair statement?


GERAGOS: Did you ever see at any point Scott do anything whatsoever, the entire time, and you've known him how long? Since you were in?

ROCHA: Seventh, eighth grade.

GERAGOS: Okay. The entire time has he ever done anything in your presence that would even remotely be characterized as harming Laci?


GERAGOS: Now, the, when you walked in and you saw them there, and they were talking or chatting and it seemed to be normal to you, nothing out of the ordinary, correct?


GERAGOS: Now, at that point, and that was one of his, what you characterized as a regularly scheduled haircut for 1 him, right?


GERAGOS: Okay. Did you start cutting his hair immediately?

ROCHA: I think we went, we went to the stations and sat down, and I can't remember if I first, Laci was having trouble styling her hair, so I showed her how to style it. And she was kind of working on that while I cut his hair. So I think I helped her first.


ROCHA: And then I started to cut his hair.

GERAGOS: Okay. Now, the, you say you started to do it. I'll, I'm going to ask you to pick out at which location in People's 3.

ROCHA: Well, it was this station, but I could show you.

GERAGOS: See if there's a better picture of it.

ROCHA: Okay. This is more clear, but I was right, Scott, I was here and Laci was here.

GERAGOS: Okay. Let me see if I can put that up so the jury can see it as well.

JUDGE: Would you identify which one it is, Mr. Geragos.

GERAGOS: Sure. People's 3-F your Honor.



JUDGE: Okay. Somehow or other that's not as clear as it was on Thursday.

GERAGOS: Yeah. They were using directly from the computer. Let me just,

DISTASO: If you take it out of the sleeve it will probably be a little clearer.

JUDGE: Want to do that?

GERAGOS: I'll try that.

JUDGE: Can the jury see that all right? Can you guys see that, Jury? A JUROR: It's a little dark.

GERAGOS: Okay, now,

DISTASO: Your Honor, also, I think if they clip these lights in the front, that will help too.

JUDGE: All right.

GERAGOS: Amy, if I understood correctly,

JUDGE: That's not much better.

GERAGOS: I'll step back. The portion right here is where you were standing where the woman with the white pants is?


GERAGOS: Okay. And Laci was there, or Scott was there?

ROCHA: Scott was sitting there.

GERAGOS: Scott was there, and then right over here was Laci?


GERAGOS: Okay. Now, when you were, you said you were helping her style her hair. Is that something called a fun flip?

ROCHA: Well, we did her hair flipped out, yes.

GERAGOS: Okay. And you were showing her how to take a,

ROCHA: Curling iron.

GERAGOS: curling iron?

ROCHA: And flip it out.

GERAGOS: Excuse me for not having this down, taking a curling iron and basically flipping the hair out?


GERAGOS: Okay. And she was having trouble doing that?


GERAGOS: Okay. Can you tell me what you were showing her specifically?

ROCHA: She had just been using the curling iron, like she was doing it the wrong way, so I just showed her how to flip it without getting a kink in it.

GERAGOS: Okay. Is that something because she had just recently tried this? Or what?

ROCHA: Well, we had just recently cut her hair, so it was like a new hairstyle for her.

GERAGOS: Okay. So that's something that you would do in the morning when you got up in order to style the hair?

ROCHA: Yeah. If she were styling her hair, she would flip it out.

GERAGOS: She would flip it out. And you were showing her how to do it because she was complaining that she didn't, it wasn't working?


GERAGOS: Okay. Now, the, how, how much before, or how long before the 23rd had Laci's hair been cut?

ROCHA: I can't remember an exact date, but within, like, a week or two,


ROCHA: I would say.

GERAGOS: As you were sitting there, and I think you had described on Thursday that there was conversation going back and forth here?


GERAGOS: Okay. Did you notice anything unusual about that conversation? Or was it just talking about Christmas or,

ROCHA: Yes. It wasn't unusual, no.

GERAGOS: Okay. At some point you said that she went to the telephone to make a call,


GERAGOS: is that correct? Did she make a call to order a pizza?


GERAGOS: Okay. Did they invite you over to their house on the 23rd so that you could join them for pizza?


GERAGOS: And did you tell them that you couldn't go over there on the night of the 23rd because there was somebody that, a friend of yours from out of state that you were going to go meet?


GERAGOS: Okay. Now, when you observed her there, you talked about the cream colored pants that were kind of khaki, is that correct?


GERAGOS: Okay. And you also talked about the maternity pants. And the blouse. There was also, I think they showed you a scarf, and that was one of the things that they wanted you to find when you went in on the 18th, when they did the search, correct?


GERAGOS: But, and when you found the scarf, you pointed, there were a number of scarves that she had, correct?


GERAGOS: And you couldn't be sure of which one it was because of the weave, I think is what you had said, is that right?

ROCHA: I think I did choose one.

GERAGOS: One scarf? Did you say,


GERAGOS: did you say you were sure about that scarf?


GERAGOS: Okay. So you saw one of the scarves that she was wearing. You saw the blouse, on the 18th. You saw pants that you thought resembled it, correct?


GERAGOS: You saw the shoes that you thought she was wearing, I think I said the 18th. All, on the 18th you saw all, the whole outfit, basically, that you thought she was wearing on the 23rd?


GERAGOS: Okay. Now, there, there was also a black jacket or sweater. Did you try to,

ROCHA: A black jacket is what I remember her wearing.

GERAGOS: A black jacket. Were you able to pick that out on the 18th?

ROCHA: I don't remember.

GERAGOS: You don't remember if you did?

ROCHA: Uh-huh.

GERAGOS: Okay. Now, the, by the way, going back to the jewelry, what jewelry was she wearing on the 23rd? Do you remember?

ROCHA: I don't remember any jewelry from that day that she wore.

GERAGOS: Does that mean, she was wearing jewelry at that point, a number of the new pieces that she had inherited 1 and you had inherited, is that correct?


GERAGOS: So for the month, three weeks to a month prior, after you guys had gone through the jewelry, she was wearing quite a few of the pieces on the occasions when you would see her?


GERAGOS: Okay. And some of those pieces were pretty stunning pieces, weren't they?


GERAGOS: And definitely eye catching?


GERAGOS: Okay. A number of those pieces were worth ten, fifteen, twenty thousand dollars?

ROCHA: Again, I don't know the, how much they were worth, but possibly.

GERAGOS: And a number of them had numerous diamonds and semi-precious stones?


GERAGOS: Now, the, that, or that day on the 23rd, what time did they, I guess is it a fair statement that Laci made the phone call to order the pizza. When she went over to the phone that you showed us before that's right by this area, that was approximately what time?

ROCHA: It was toward the end of the haircut. I don't know a time.

GERAGOS: Okay. And Scott had specifically asked you to come over with them, isn't that correct?


GERAGOS: And when you told him that you had the friend over, did, did you tell them Sorry, I can't go? What did you tell them?

ROCHA: Yeah, I said Sorry, I would, but I have a friend here from out of state I'm going to have dinner with.

GERAGOS: Okay. Now, let me talk about Laci's condition. You had indicated I think on Thursday that she seemed a little tired because it was the end of the day,


GERAGOS: isn't that what you said? You knew that Laci was trying to stay fit during her pregnancy, correct?


GERAGOS: You knew that Laci was going to Lamaze classes, correct?

ROCHA: I just remember one Lamaze class that she went to.

GERAGOS: Okay. She told you that she was going to Lamaze classes, didn't she?

DISTASO: Objection. Calls for hearsay.

ROCHA: She actually,

DISTASO: Hold on.

JUDGE: I think all this can come in under 1250, 1251 of the Evidence Code.

GERAGOS: Goes to state of mind, right.

JUDGE: Clarify state of mind. I'll overrule the objection. There's an issue was she tired was she walking the dog. And I'll let that in because I think it is relevant, so I'm, under 1251. You can answer.

ROCHA: She did mention once about going to a Lamaze class that was a couple of couples.

GERAGOS: Okay. And the, one of the people who went to the class was Scott?


GERAGOS: Okay. With her. Now, you also knew that she was walking regularly, didn't you?


GERAGOS: And you knew that she, that she was also, in addition to that, taking yoga classes, didn't you?


GERAGOS: And you knew that the yoga classes, you knew she had taken a yoga class just that week, didn't you?

ROCHA: I don't know if she had done it that week.

GERAGOS: You knew that very recently before,

ROCHA: Very recently before, yes.

GERAGOS: Very recently before she had been to one of her regular yoga classes, correct?


GERAGOS: Now, you also knew, what you didn't know, however, is that she had a maid, right?

ROCHA: Yeah, I did not know.

GERAGOS: And you had never met Margarita Nava and you never knew she had cleaned the house four times or any of the stuff you heard testified to here in court? You didn't know about that?


GERAGOS: Now, the, the date that you were in there at the, at the salon, when you came back from Vella Farms, you didn't check back in, did you?


GERAGOS: So you had already clocked out for the day?


GERAGOS: Okay. And in addition to that, after, when you came back you were using Chris Johnson's station? Or was it just an open station?

ROCHA: Just an open station.

GERAGOS: Okay. And was, remember I had asked you about, I just found it while I was asking you questions, about the taping system. I want to show you the preliminary hearing transcript, see if this refreshes your recollection as to what you said.

JUDGE: What page and line?

GERAGOS: Page 408.

JUDGE: Page 408. What line?

GERAGOS: Line 15.

JUDGE: Okay.

GERAGOS: You can read all the way through that.

ROCHA: Okay.

GERAGOS: Okay. Does that refresh your recollection?

ROCHA: It does refresh it, but,

GERAGOS: Okay. Let me, let me go through it and see if this refreshes your recollection. I had asked you at the preliminary hearing: Look, there's a tape system, go get the tape and then you'll be able to see exactly what she was wearing, you'll have a picture of it, right? And you answered?


GERAGOS: I asked you: Okay. And you did that, right? And fairly right away, isn't that correct?


GERAGOS: And then I also said: Because you wanted them to see exactly what she was wearing because that was the last thing and then you'd have a picture of it, right? And you answered?


GERAGOS: Okay. Now, the, the next day, which would have been the day before Christmas, you, the last time you saw her was approximately what time on the 23rd?

ROCHA: I think they left around 6:45.

GERAGOS: About 6:45?


GERAGOS: And you went and met up with your friend from out of state?


GERAGOS: And you didn't talk to her at that point after that?


GERAGOS: Did you talk to her on the 23rd about what her plans were the following day?

ROCHA: I, I knew she was going to her mom and Ron's for dinner. We did talk about the next day, but that's all I really member remember from that.

GERAGOS: Okay. Did she tell you that she was baking or going to be baking during that time?

ROCHA: She did not tell me that.

GERAGOS: Okay. Now, the, the yoga place that she went to, that was in McHenry Village?


GERAGOS: Okay. And it was called the yoga Center?


GERAGOS: Okay. And you knew that she, in the last couple of days before the 23rd she had been there, correct?

DISTASO: Objection. It's been asked and answered.

JUDGE: I don't think that has. Overruled. You can answer.

ROCHA: I don't remember the exact, like the last time she had her class.

GERAGOS: Okay. I'm going to show you page 411, your Honor. Line 17. Does that refresh your recollection?

ROCHA: Yes, it does.

GERAGOS: Okay. And I asked you: And you knew that she, as recently as the last couple of days, had been to the yoga class, isn't that correct?


GERAGOS: And: Okay. You knew that within the last couple of days that she had already been to the park walking the dog or walking McKenzie, isn't that correct? You said? I don't know for sure if she walked to the park, but I knew that she had been walking frequently, yes.


GERAGOS: Okay. And you knew that she was doing that 1 because she was very, very conscious of her weight and staying fit during the pregnancy, isn't that a fair statement?


GERAGOS: And one of the ways she did that was by walking and walking frequently, correct?


GERAGOS: Did she tell you that when she had gone to Carmel that, I think we've got, this is People's 5.

DISTASO: Can you put that back in the sleeve? Because the sleeve is marked, so we need to do that.

GERAGOS: I'll do that.

GERAGOS: Do you see this picture here marked as People's 5?


GERAGOS: Okay. She, that was apparently taken at Carmel. Do you know when she was in Carmel?

ROCHA: No, I do not.

GERAGOS: Okay. Do you know if it was within the week prior to you seeing her? Were you aware that she and Scott and Lee and Jackie had gone to Carmel together?

ROCHA: I didn't know that until later.

GERAGOS: You knew that later on?


GERAGOS: Do you know how far of a walk it is to where that 1 picture is taken right there, from the lodge where this picture was taken right here? Do you have any idea?

ROCHA: I have no idea.

GERAGOS: If I told you that it was approximately three quarters of a mile up and down a large, long grade, would that surprise you that Laci was able to do that walk within the week before you saw her? That wouldn't surprise you, would it?

ROCHA: I don't know.

GERAGOS: I mean she was walking, she was active, she was fit, correct?

ROCHA: I mean, yes, she could walk, so possibly yes, she could do that.

GERAGOS: Okay. Now, after Laci moved and Scott moved to the Covena house, that, some time after that, I'm not going to pin you down to the exact night, but she expressed the desire to have a kid, to have a baby, right?


GERAGOS: And both she and Scott wanted the baby, isn't that correct?

DISTASO: Objection, your Honor. Calls for hearsay.

JUDGE: Calls for certainly as to his state of mind. So hers is okay, his isn't.

GERAGOS: She wanted a baby, correct?


GERAGOS: And Scott wanted one as well, isn't that correct?

DISTASO: Objection, your Honor. It's the same objection.

JUDGE: Sustained.

GERAGOS: Okay. They discussed baby names, didn't they?


GERAGOS: Okay. And as far as you know both of them had done the Lamaze classes together, isn't that correct?

ROCHA: I just remember the one that they did together, yes.

GERAGOS: Okay. Let me show you on page 412 of the preliminary hearing transcript. I'll get my fitness by walking back and forth.

JUDGE: Okay. What page and line?

GERAGOS: 412 and line six.

ROCHA: Okay.



GERAGOS: As far as you knew both Laci and Scott had done Lamaze classes together, isn't that correct?


GERAGOS: Yes. And you told the police that as well, isn't that right?


GERAGOS: Now, also, let's see, on Christmas Eve, which would have been the following day, you were not going to spend the evening with Scott and Laci, right?


GERAGOS: You were going to your dad's house?


GERAGOS: Okay. But Christmas day you were invited over to Scott and Laci's house?


GERAGOS: For brunch?


GERAGOS: Do you know what she was making for brunch?

ROCHA: We were going to have French toast, and she just said some fruit, and that's all I remember.

GERAGOS: Okay. Do you know what she was making the French toast out of?

ROCHA: I have no idea.

GERAGOS: Okay. The, she never mentioned Challah bread?


REPORTER: I'm sorry, what bread?

GERAGOS: Challah, C-H-A-L-L-A-H, I think.

ROCHA: No, she didn't.

GERAGOS: Now, who was, who was supposed to be there on Christmas day?

JUDGE: At the Peterson residence?

GERAGOS: At the Peterson residence?

ROCHA: Just, like, our immediate family.

GERAGOS: So it would have been Ron, Sharon?

ROCHA: I believe, yes, and Brent and myself and Rose and my dad and our Papa. Our grandpa.

GERAGOS: Okay. And the, do you know what time that was supposed to be?

ROCHA: I can't remember right now.

GERAGOS: Okay. Now, the, the Vella Farms pickup, if you will, when you had called, jumping around, but when you called, you got a call first from Vella Farms, right?


GERAGOS: And I think you testified that you weren't sure when, you were surprised that they were still open, I guess, because it was after 3:00 o'clock?

ROCHA: It was after 3:00, yes.

GERAGOS: The first thing you did was call Scott's cell phone?


GERAGOS: Then you called Laci?

ROCHA: I called their home phone, yes.

GERAGOS: Called their home phone, but you did not leave a message on either one?


GERAGOS: Did you actually go out to Vella Farms and pick up the basket?


GERAGOS: How did you pay for it?

ROCHA: Um, I had paid for it the night before, actually.


ROCHA: So it was already paid.

GERAGOS: Okay. And is it a fair statement that you, obviously she was your sister and, and you were close, but you didn't know what Laci's daily routine was?

ROCHA: Right. I did not know her daily routine, no.

GERAGOS: And you didn't know Scott's daily routine?


GERAGOS: Okay. You know that Scott liked to golf?


GERAGOS: You know that he liked to hunt?


GERAGOS: And you know that he liked to fish, isn't that correct?


GERAGOS: Okay. And you also known, knew that he had gone to all of the doctor's appointments with Laci for the baby, isn't that correct?


DISTASO: Objection. Calls for hearsay.

JUDGE: If she knows. Did you know whether or not he went with Laci to the doctor's appointments?

ROCHA: I think he went most of the time, yes.


ROCHA: From what I know.

GERAGOS: Now, the

REPORTER: Judge, could I ask you to pull your mike up a little bit closer?

JUDGE: Yes. I'm leaning back in my chair.

REPORTER: Yes. Thank you.

GERAGOS: So now you're going to lean forward?


GERAGOS: Okay. How much, I know this also may be an unfair question just in terms of getting the estimate, but how much time would you say you spent with Scott and Laci after they moved into the Covena house when the relationship between you and Laci got better? Or closer, I should say.

JUDGE: You mean hours, days?


ROCHA: I have no idea.

GERAGOS: Would you go over there for dinner?

ROCHA: Sometimes.

GERAGOS: Okay. And would you ever go out with them, movies or events or things like that?

ROCHA: Not really to movies, no, but for like birthdays and stuff, yes.

GERAGOS: Okay. The entire time that you knew Scott, how did he treat you?

ROCHA: Good.

GERAGOS: And did he ever, did he ever get angry with you?


GERAGOS: Did he ever raise his voice at you?


GERAGOS: The, did you tell the police at one point when they were investigating this case that, quote-unquote, Scott was the last person to hurt anyone?

DISTASO: Objection, your Honor. Relevance.

GERAGOS: Did you tell them that?

JUDGE: The question is did she say that. Go ahead. Goes to her state of mind. Go ahead.

ROCHA: I don't remember saying that, no.

GERAGOS: Can I have one moment?


GERAGOS: To see if I can refresh her recollection.

JUDGE: Yeah.

GERAGOS: You were interviewed several times in connection with this case, right?


GERAGOS: Okay. And that was by a number of the Modesto police officers?


GERAGOS: All right. The, did you tell them at one point that you were aware that Laci had yoga classes on Mondays and she walked daily or almost daily? I'll show you something. This is page,

JUDGE: What are you showing her now?

GERAGOS: I'm showing her one of the police reports to see if that refreshes her recollection.

DISTASO: Can we get a date?

GERAGOS: Yeah, it's a 1/5/03 Grogan report.

JUDGE: Okay.


GERAGOS: Did that refresh your recollection?


GERAGOS: So you were aware that Laci had yoga classes on Mondays and she walked daily or almost daily, isn't that correct?

ROCHA: Um, yes.

GERAGOS: And you told the police that, looks like some time very close to the first week of January?


GERAGOS: Okay. You knew that, you had told them that Laci got basically anything she wanted because Scott tried to give it to her, isn't that correct?


GERAGOS: Okay. And that, you told the police that Laci told her, you, that both she and Scott liked the name Conner and that they both made lists of names and they decided on the name Conner, isn't that correct?


GERAGOS: Okay. Now, let me go back to the inheritance a little bit. The, you last talked to Laci about the inheritance about two weeks before the disappearance, is that a fair statement?

ROCHA: I think we talked about it when I had cut her hair, so that was a week or two before, yes.

GERAGOS: Okay. Let me show you this, see if this refreshes your recollection. And this is the same report, January 5th, Grogan report under Inheritance.


GERAGOS: Okay. Does that refresh your recollection?


GERAGOS: Okay. And you two had both talked about the 1 issue of the inheritance, and you were both aware that your grandfather's house was going to be sold and that you would receive money from the sale, correct?


GERAGOS: Okay. And it was your understanding that the money would be separated in thirds between you, Laci and Brent?


GERAGOS: Okay. And it was your understanding that that would be hundreds of thousands of dollars, correct?

ROCHA: I don't know exact amount that we would each get. I don't know.

GERAGOS: But the house was going to be sold and the house was a substantial amount of money?


GERAGOS: In excess of how much? Half a million dollars?


GERAGOS: Okay. And the house was going to be sold, you, Brent and Laci would split the amount of money, correct?


GERAGOS: Okay. Now you discussed with Laci about when you guys would get the money, right?


GERAGOS: And Laci thought, or told you that she didn't think she could get the money until she was 30?

ROCHA: I think that was for all of us, yes.

GERAGOS: Okay. And said it was only about three years for her but it was going to be about nine years for you?


GERAGOS: Okay. And you were not aware that Brent had possibly discussed any possibility of keeping the money in the estate, correct?

ROCHA: Um, yes.

GERAGOS: Okay. By the, do you remember on the 23rd when Laci was in the hair salon, Salon Salon?


GERAGOS: Was she wearing, was she carrying a purse?

ROCHA: I can't remember.

GERAGOS: Okay. That would have been, obviously, on the videotape, if we had it, correct?

ROCHA: It might be, yes.

GERAGOS: Thank you. I have no further questions. Thank you.


Redirect Examination by Rick Distaso

DISTASO: Amy, let me ask you, this is a defense, this is a, defense A, and when you, when you went through the house with the police on February 18th, did they show you a whole number of different clothing items that Laci had?


DISTASO: Okay. And you went, you went through there and they asked you, you know, basically can you pick out or can you find the clothes, maybe, that she was wearing on the 23rd?


DISTASO: And the description of the color of the pants that you have always given has been what? What color did you describe them?

ROCHA: Like a light creamy,


ROCHA: color.

DISTASO: And of these two pairs of pants that are in, in Defense A, this first pair, would you describe that as, as kind of a light creamy, like you were talking about?


DISTASO: Okay. And what about the other pair?

ROCHA: Yeah, those are not light creamy to me.

DISTASO: Okay. So as you sit here today and what you remember, can you exclude one of those pairs of pants as the ones she was wearing?

ROCHA: Yeah, on the right-hand side, I can exclude those.

DISTASO: Okay. You can say those are definitely not the ones because they're not the light creamy that you described?


DISTASO: Okay. The other ones, the color is similar to what you saw?


DISTASO: Okay. Now, the pants that I showed you the other day here in People's 11, the, do you need to see them again?


DISTASO: Okay. Let me just show them to you again, People's 11. You can just look at the color of those pants, if you want to. And how would you describe the color of those pants?

ROCHA: Like a light tan, creamy color.

DISTASO: Okay. Would this pant, would the color of this pants match what you saw on the 23rd?


DISTASO: All right. And the one I just showed you, that color was similar also?


DISTASO: Okay. Now, the pants in People's 11, you, you told the police you didn't remember, from seeing Laci on the 23rd, you didn't remember the cuffs or the line down the front?


DISTASO: All right. And you told them that when they showed you the pictures of the pants?


DISTASO: Okay. Let me show you People's 15, and there's a photo, this is 15 A, should be A, B and C, oh, there we go. They're labeled on the back. And of these pictures, let me just throw them on here for you so you can see them, so we can all see them. This, this one, of the pictures they showed you, the different, do you recognize this as one of the pictures they showed you of the different kinds of pants?


DISTASO: Okay. And this pant that you saw, is the color of the pant similar to what you saw?

ROCHA: The color is similar.

DISTASO: Okay. But is the style similar to what you saw?

ROCHA: Um, no.

DISTASO: Okay. What's different about it?

ROCHA: I don't remember the drawstrings on the bottom.


ROCHA: Or the cargo pockets on the side.

DISTASO: Okay. So this pocket on the side you don't remember seeing, right?

ROCHA: And the length is too long, too.

DISTASO: Okay. Because the pants that you described were like a capri length?


DISTASO: Okay. Now, photo number two, this pair of pants, is the color of those pants similar to what you saw?

ROCHA: They're similar but they're a little darker than what I remember.

DISTASO: All right. Would you describe that color as a light creamy?

ROCHA: No. That's more of like a khaki.

DISTASO: All right. And what about the length of those pants?

ROCHA: Those are longer than what I remember.

DISTASO: Okay. All right. Let me show you 15 C. And this pair of pants that you see here, is the length of those pants correct?


DISTASO: So the length is similar. What about the color?

ROCHA: The color is similar, too.

DISTASO: Okay. And these are the ones I showed you in People's 11 that have the line down the front and the cuffs?


DISTASO: And you've already told us you didn't remember that?


DISTASO: Okay. Now, the scarf that you saw Laci wearing that night, here in this picture, this is People's number 6, this scarf that you see there is, can, I mean as you sit here today can you tell us for sure whether or not that's the scarf that you saw?


ROCHA: Yes, it's the scarf I remember.

DISTASO: Okay. Would it help you to see the actual item? Or are you sure in your mind?

ROCHA: I'm pretty sure in my mind.

DISTASO: Now, Mr. Geragos was asking you some questions about the hobbies that you were aware that the defendant did, or that you were aware of his hobbies, and he asked you about golf.


DISTASO: Did you ever hear the defendant talk about golf?


DISTASO: Okay. What did you, what did you hear him, just briefly, what did you hear him say about it? What types of things?

ROCHA: I just mostly heard him talk about golf.


ROCHA: I don't remember what.

DISTASO: He asked you, you said that you had known him to be a hunter. Did, well, let me ask you this about golfing. Did you ever go golfing with him?


DISTASO: So what you're talking about are just the things that he told you?


DISTASO: Okay. And you're aware that the, the defendant had joined the Del Rio Country Club?


DISTASO: Had you heard him talk about that?


DISTASO: When he was at the salon that night and he was talking about picking up that gift basket from Vella Farms, he mentioned that he was going to go golfing the next day?


DISTASO: Okay. The, he, Mr. Geragos also asked you about whether you knew him to go hunting. And did you ever hear him talk about hunting?

ROCHA: I had heard him talk about hunting before. Like a long time ago.

DISTASO: All right. Do you remember when that was?


DISTASO: All right. And what about, well, and let me ask you this: I'm assuming you never actually went hunting with him?


DISTASO: Okay. What about fishing? Did you ever hear him talk about fishing?

ROCHA: Maybe along with hunting, but not very often.

DISTASO: Okay. What would you say you heard him discuss more, golfing or hunting?

ROCHA: Golfing.

DISTASO: Okay. Golfing or fishing?

ROCHA: Golfing.

DISTASO: And between the fishing and the hunting, do you have any differentiation there?


DISTASO: All right. The, now, when Mr. Geragos was asking you questions about going walking, I mean Laci's habits about walking,


DISTASO: did you ever actually walk with her?


DISTASO: Okay. So you never, you know, you wouldn't go over in the morning and go on a walk with her, or anything like that?


DISTASO: Did you ever go with her and take the dog for a walk?


DISTASO: Okay. Did, so these habits that, or these things you've told us about are what Laci told you?


DISTASO: Okay. So she had mentioned going walking to you?


DISTASO: Okay. And did she at some point stop talking to you about walking? Or let me phrase it to you this way: When was the last time you remember her talking to you about walking in relation to December 23rd?

ROCHA: I think when she mentioned that she had gotten sick when she was walking.

DISTASO: Okay. So she had talked to you about walking, correct?


DISTASO: How, how often would she have these conversations with you?

ROCHA: Just like whenever we talked.

DISTASO: So you would talk, you might say What did you do today, and she would say Oh, I went walking? Or just normal conversation?


DISTASO: Okay. And then she told you about the incident where she got sick in the park?

ROCHA: It was, I don't know if it was in the park, but she did get sick on her walk.

DISTASO: Okay. Can you tell me again exactly what, what she told you about that? Because I want to make sure we get it right.

ROCHA: She said she wasn't too far away from the house but she felt dizzy and nauseous, so she was kind of nervous to walk too far from the house.

DISTASO: And she told you about that incident?


DISTASO: And she said she was out for a walk?


DISTASO: Did, after that time do you remember her talking to you about walking again?

ROCHA: I guess not too much, no.

DISTASO: Well, not too much or not at all? I mean,

GERAGOS: Objection. Leading,

DISTASO: What you remember?

GERAGOS: Argumentative.

JUDGE: No, I think he can, overruled. Go ahead.

DISTASO: I just want to get exactly what you remember.

ROCHA: That was the last time we talked about walking.

JUDGE: When she told you she got sick?


JUDGE: Next question.

DISTASO: Now, in regard, back on the 23rd when Laci and the defendant were in your shop, we've heard some testimony that there's a boutique area in your shop.


DISTASO: Do you remember when they were there was the boutique part of the shop open or closed?

ROCHA: It was closed.

DISTASO: Okay. If the boutique area is closed, can people still go from the salon portion of the shop into the boutique?


DISTASO: How do they, how do you stop someone from doing that?

ROCHA: There's a gate that pulls to close it off.

DISTASO: So you could, like, separate the two shops?


DISTASO: And was that gate shut that night?


DISTASO: Mr. Geragos asked you about the video camera in the shop and when you told the police about that. Do you remember which officer it was you talked to about that?

ROCHA: Probably to Craig,

DISTASO: And who is Craig?

ROCHA: Grogan.

DISTASO: Do you know what his last name is?

ROCHA: Grogan, yes.

DISTASO: All right. Do you remember exactly what date it was that you told him that?

ROCHA: I don't remember the exact date, no.

DISTASO: Okay. Let me show you a report and see if this refreshes your memory. 363. A report dated 1/28. Just read this to yourself and see if, if that refreshes your memory.


DISTASO: Okay. Does that refresh your memory about what date it was that you talked to Detective Grogan about the videotape?


DISTASO: And what date was that?

ROCHA: January 27th.

DISTASO: Okay. Do you remember when it was when you sat down and, the very first time you sat down with Detective Grogan and had, like, a detailed interview about all these things? Do you remember what date that was?

ROCHA: It was right in the beginning of January.

DISTASO: Okay. So as you sit here today you don’t remember exactly what date?

ROCHA: No, not exact date.

DISTASO: Okay. Let me show you a report. This is at page 209. And read, read the, just read this section to yourself and tell me if that refreshes your memory about the date that you first sat down with him.


DISTASO: Okay. And what date was that?

ROCHA: January 4th.

GERAGOS: January 4th?


JUDGE: Yeah.

DISTASO: I talked about your, I mean I asked you about whether the defendant had ever asked you to color his hair, and what I want to do is just show you a picture and then mark this one next in order.

JUDGE: People's number 16.

DISTASO: It's a picture of the defendant, your Honor.

JUDGE: Okay. Have you seem this, Mr. Geragos?

DISTASO: I'll show it to him again. It's from the prelim. And when I asked you that, I was asking you, did the defendant ever ask you to, to dye his hair the color that you see there in the picture?


DISTASO: Okay. So he never had you do this kind of treatment on his hair? And let me just show you, the picture to you so you can see it better up front. This is People's 16.


DISTASO: Okay. The, are you a licensed cosmetologist?


DISTASO: And do you apply color treatments to people's hair?


DISTASO: So you're used to seeing, I mean you're used to dealing with, with hair and coloring it and recoloring it and this kind of activity?


DISTASO: Are you used to seeing what the effects of pool chlorine will do on someone's hair?


DISTASO: Have you ever in the time you've been doing this, seeing when somebody comes in who has dark hair, like the defendant's, who from pool exposure have their hair turn the color you saw in that picture, People's 16?

ROCHA: Um, no.

DISTASO: Going back to that first interview that you had with Detective Grogan, do you remember where it took place?

ROCHA: Um, yes.

DISTASO: Where was that?


JUDGE: January the 4th?

DISTASO: January the 4th, I'm sorry.

ROCHA: It was in Modesto. Downtown. It was at a different office, though, than we met after that.

DISTASO: Okay. Was it, was it at one of the police offices?


DISTASO: It wasn't at your home?


DISTASO: And it wasn't at the salon?


DISTASO: When Detective Grogan was interviewing you, did he ask you about what you were doing on the 24th?

ROCHA: Um, yes.

DISTASO: And did he ask you to bring in your time cards?


DISTASO: And did you do that?


DISTASO: And did he ask what type of, I mean if you had any people that could kind of verify where you were that day?


DISTASO: Who did you tell him?

ROCHA: Chris Johnson.

DISTASO: Okay. And we've heard from, Mr. Geragos asked you these questions, but in this interview that he talked to you about, he asked you about this inheritance that you were going to perhaps receive?


DISTASO: And, and it looks like kind of a wide-ranging topic of what you were doing on the 23rd and the 24th?


DISTASO: As well as the jewelry that you inherited and a number of the different things about you, is that right?


DISTASO: And did you provide him with the names of these people that could kind of prove where you were?


DISTASO: And your time cards?


DISTASO: All right. Did, let me ask you about an incident that occurred in January. Do you remember a time at a dinner when Scott Peterson was talking about the police showing him a picture of he and another woman?


DISTASO: And can you tell the jury about that, what happened during that dinner?

ROCHA: He was just telling us about this picture that he, was shown to him and that, the picture of him and the picture was not him.


ROCHA: I don't know if that was clear. But he was just saying that someone had put his picture into another picture.

DISTASO: Okay. So do you remember what day that was?

ROCHA: It was sometime in January. I don't remember the day.

DISTASO: Okay. Let me show you a police report again, 363 is the Bates number, dated 1-28. Just see if this refreshes your memory on the date of when that happened. Just read right here.

ROCHA: Okay.

DISTASO: Does that refresh your memory about,


DISTASO: when it was? Okay. When, when did that take place?

ROCHA: That was Friday, January 3rd.

DISTASO: The yoga classes that Laci was taking, do you know what type of yoga it was?

ROCHA: It was for pregnant women, like she was taking just a class for the pregnancy.

DISTASO: So it was, like, a pregnancy yoga?


DISTASO: That's all I have.


Recross Examination by Mark Geragos

GERAGOS: The pictures, Amy, that they showed you, which I think were marked as People's 11

JUDGE: The maternity pants?

GERAGOS: Yeah, I've got it.

JUDGE: People's 15.

GERAGOS: Yeah, 15.

GERAGOS: They showed you these, and you specifically said "but definitely not these two," and pointed, do you remember being videotaped when they showed you this?


GERAGOS: Do you remember in the videotape when they laid these out,


GERAGOS: one, two, and three?

And do you remember putting your hands on pictures one and three and saying "but definitely not these two"?

JUDGE: When you say "definitely not these two," is that A, B or C?

ROCHA: Well, I remember I was never able to pick out one, one pair of pants.

GERAGOS: Okay. And specifically what I'm asking,

ROCHA: Specifically, yeah.

GERAGOS: specifically when you said, didn't you, "but definitely not these two"? Isn't that what you said?


GERAGOS: You said "definitely not these two"?

ROCHA: Well, I guess, I don't remember pointing like, I don't know if I was pointing to one and three, but if that's what the video shows.

GERAGOS: Correct. And if the video shows that there's three pictures, this, picture number two, and picture number three, and that they're laid out one, two, three,


GERAGOS: and you put your hands on one and three, three being the same as People's number 11, these pants right here?


GERAGOS: And if the video shows that you put your hands on them and said "definitely not these two," that's accurate, isn't it?

ROCHA: Well, it was at the beginning of when I was first looking at them, because I remember as I looked at them then I was able to, from what I remembered, choose, like, the length and the color.

GERAGOS: Right. But you did put your hands on them in the video and said "definitely not these two"?

ROCHA: I don't remember, but if that's what it says.

GERAGOS: Okay. And the transcript doesn't refresh your recollection?

ROCHA: Not exactly. I mean I read it and I did say it, but I don't remember exactly pointing to those things.

GERAGOS: Okay. Do you know which two you were referring to when you say "definitely not these two"?


GERAGOS: Okay. Now, the other thing that I asked you about, and this is on 5181, see if this refreshes your recollection.


GERAGOS: Does that refresh your recollection as to whether or not you agreed that he, being Scott, would be the last person who would harm anyone?

ROCHA: Um, yes.

GERAGOS: And you


GERAGOS: You agree with that, don't you?


GERAGOS: In this photo here?

JUDGE: For the record, that is People's number 16.

GERAGOS: Now, the, I think Mr. Distaso was, I guess we were qualifying you as an expert on hair coloring.

ROCHA: Uh-huh.

GERAGOS: The color that's being referred to here?


GERAGOS: Okay. Did you ever take a look at his hair or, when it was that color?

ROCHA: You mean in the picture?



GERAGOS: Do you know who this is?

ROCHA: Scott.

GERAGOS: Okay. I mean, is that, that disguise going to fool you?

ROCHA: Huh? Well, no.

GERAGOS: Okay. Now, tell me something, the, had you ever had occasion to see somebody who has lightened their hair go into the pool and have the chlorine affect the hair that was already previously lightened?

ROCHA: If they've had light hair before and then they've gone into the pool, yes, I've seen the effects. But not on dark hair. I've never seen the effect.

GERAGOS: Right. What if they've got dark hair and they've lightened it and then they go into the pool, what will happen?

ROCHA: Well, depending on how light their hair is lifted, that might affect it.

GERAGOS: Turn it a strange color?

ROCHA: Possibly. I've never seen that, though, before.

GERAGOS: You've never seen that and nobody ever showed you it or told you to come up and examine his head and take a look at it, did they?


GERAGOS: Now, the, specifically, I want to show you one other supplemental report.

Who was the person, does that refresh your recollection?

JUDGE: Mr. Geragos, can you identify? You said supplemental report.

GERAGOS: Supplemental report

JUDGE: By whom?

GERAGOS: dated 10-13-03 by Bertalotto.

JUDGE: Okay.

ROCHA: Okay, yes.

GERAGOS: Specifically who asked you to come over to Laci and Scott's house on the 23rd?

ROCHA: Scott did.

GERAGOS: And then I think, did you, on the 24th did you talk to Scott or Laci about their New Year's Eve plans?

ROCHA: Maybe on the 23rd?

GERAGOS: On the 23rd?

ROCHA: I did not, no.

GERAGOS: Do you remember anything about that?


GERAGOS: Okay. And the questions that Mr. Distaso was asking you about walking, you knew that Laci walked, correct?


GERAGOS: And you knew that the, they have a dog, right?


GERAGOS: And you know that Scott travels and traveled in the month of December, right?

ROCHA: I knew that he traveled. I didn't know his traveling schedule.

GERAGOS: Okay. Somebody walks that dog every day, don't they?

ROCHA: I have no idea.

GERAGOS: Well, the dog is, the dog doesn't walk itself, does it?

ROCHA: Well, no, but it has a whole backyard to run around in.

GERAGOS: Yeah. Did they ever, did they take that dog for a walk on a daily basis?

DISTASO: Objection, your Honor. It's been asked and answered.

JUDGE: She didn't

GERAGOS: I'm asking you do you know?

ROCHA: I don't know. I'm not sure.

JUDGE: Objection

REPORTER: I'm sorry, Judge, objection what?

JUDGE: Objection sustained.

REPORTER: Thank you.

DISTASO: No redirect.

JUDGE: May this witness be excused subject to recall, per the stipulation?



JUDGE: Okay. Ms. Rocha, thank you.